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Luz stood infront of her mirror, staring at the huge scar belos had left on her stomach. She hated it. She thought it made her look ugly. The girl tears up, and calls for her girlfriend, who walked in and walked over, behind her, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl, laying her head on her shoulder.(Luz is shorter then Amity, because I said so and I'm literally Amity.) "Yes, Luz?" Luz frowned. "Do you.. do you think my scar makes me look... Uhm.. Ugly.?" Luz questioned, as her voice started to crack. "What.?!" Amity's eyes widened, looking shocked that her girlfriend would think like that. "Do you think my scar makes me look ugly." Luz repeated, has tears started slowly rolling down her cheeks as she sniffled.

"No! Absolutely not! Your scar is beautiful, you cannot convince me otherwise." Luz started sobbing trying to covering up her scar with her arms. "Just tell the truth, Amity! Is it!?" Amity frowns and turns her girlfriend around. "Luz, Love. Your scar is more then beautiful. And I admire it.. it shows that you went through something difficult and survived it." Amity then bent down and started giving little kisses on Luz' scar. "I personally think you look gorgeous, with or without the scar, Sweetheart.." Amity comforted, caressing the scar gently. "I.." Luz' throat felt like it was closing up when she was crying. Amity wiped the tears off of Luz's face and kissed her cheek. "No matter what. You're pretty. And that scar... it makes you strong, and I love that." Luz laid her head on amity's shoulder, hugging her. "You really thing so..?" Luz murmured, Arms wrapped around her tall girlfriend. "I think so.." Amity grins slightly, backing up a bit to brush some hair away from Luz' face, kissing her head. "I love you, Ami..."
"I love you too, Luz."

This was an older one I never finished so I decided to finish it now! :33

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