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The bell rings and amity and Luz just finished the abomination class amity starts talking until someone cuts her off. A girl with brown hair and pale skin, "Hey I'm new here.. I transferred from a different school, you think you can show me around?" "Sure" Luz said happily. Luz showed the girl around while Amity was behind them being ignored, they seemed like they were really close has if they've known each other as kids. Amity got jealous and grabbed Luz gently by the wrist. "Sorry but we have to go beast keeping!!" Amity sped walked away holding onto Luz "slow down Amity!" Amity didn't listen to Luz and pushed her in an empty classroom. "I didn't like how close you guys were out there." Amity said looking Luz dead in the eyes. "Oh cmon Amity, I was just showing her around and stuff!" Luz pleaded. "Promise me you won't get that close to her again.." "Amity, no need to be so protective. I just met her today." Amity still looking at her dead in the eyes. "Alright, alright, fine I won't get close to her at all! I promise." Amity hugged her tightly "now cmon we're gonna be late to beast keeping.." Luz held Amity's hand and walked to beast keeping class. The girl stopped them in the hall "hey! I forgot to ask you, your name? My name is, Hailey what's yours?" "Oh my name is Luz. Luz Noceda!" She smiled. "So.. Luz! wanna Study after class?" Amity tightly held Luz' hand. "Uh.. sure! We can Study in the library!" Luz said. "Alright see you there!" Hailey walked into a different class. Amity was silent as they walked into class. "You okay Ams?" Amity put on a fake smile "yes! Everything's fine." Amity stated nervously. Later that day Luz went to the library to Study. Hailey was already sitting at a table waiting for her. "Luz, over here!" She said quietly. Luz sat down beside her. They studied for an hour but Hailey, kept scooting closer to Luz, making her uncomfortable. She laid her head on Luz' shoulder. Making Luz even more uncomfortable because it wasn't Amity.
Twenty minutes later she moves her hand on top of Luz' and made eye contact.
Meanwhile, Amity is walking down the hall towards the library to check on Luz, she walks into the library and looks to see where Luz and Hailey are. They were making eye contact and were really close. Amity's face turned red in jealousy until Hailey kissed Luz. Amity couldn't believe what she was seeing "Holy titan!" She said in her mind as her jaw dropped. This can't be.. this has to be fake! Amity Marched into the library and pulled Hailey's hair "GET OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!" She pulled her hair then, Hailey falls onto the ground. "OW" Amity tears up and starts kicking Hailey uncontrollably. "AMITY, STOP!" Amity gets on top of her and starts punching her and pulling her hair. "AMITY!!" Luz pulls amity off Hailey and Amity gets up and runs into the girls washroom, crying. "AMITY WAIT!" She chases Amity, to the washroom as Amity, cry's in the big stall. "Amity...?" "Go away, Luz!" Luz crawls into the stall from underneath. "Oh my gosh.. Amity, I'm so so sorry!" Amity cries into her arms, her knees being up to her chest. Luz sits beside her and wraps an arm around her. "Hey...Amity, I'm sorry..she kissed me..! I swear." Amity lifted her head, face soaked with tears. "you promised me." "I know and I'm sorry!" Luz pleaded, then hugged Amity, tightly "I forgive you.. just please don't hang out with her ever again.." Luz hugged Amity back. Amity looked at Luz and kissed her cheek softly. "Cmon Sweetie, school will be over in a few minutes."

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