Fights 1/??

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Warning... angst, uh crying, and more angst

Luz watches amity storm out of the school party and run out of the school. The girl stares in confusion before running after her. "Amity!" Luz sped out of the school before taking a glance around to find her girlfriend down the street walking with her head down. Luz rushed towards amity quickly. "Amity, wait!" Luz yelled. She quickly walked beside her so they were both walking the same pace. "Amity, babe.. what's wrong ?" Luz asked but amity ignored her girlfriend and kept walking. Luz slowly tries to hold amity's hand before amity slapped her hand away. "Don't touch me!" Amity yelled turning around teary eyed. "You don't have the rights to talk to me and touch me after ignoring me near everyone!"

Luz stood there, eyes widened "amity I don't get it..? I was beside you the entire time we were there? I thought we were fine." Amity's eyes widened as she started yelling. "Oh you think we are FINE!" Amity yelled. "It didn't seem like that whenever I tried kissing you! Hugging you!? Holding your hand!" Luz winced at this sudden yelling. "When you ignored me in-front of people!? When I talked to you!"

Luz gently started talking. "Amity.. I didn't mean to hurt you.. I just didn't wanna be the annoying mushy couple at party's." Luz watched has amity had tears streaming down her face. Amity quickly clenched her fist when she started to yell. "It's not just at party's though is it?!" Luz had a look of confusion on her face for a bit when amity started talking again. "When we are alone your all mushy and affectionate but when someone walks past or your friends come to talk to you you switch! Pow! You start to ignore me and stop holding my hand! You act like I don't exist!"

Luz stares at her sadly watching has her girlfriend snapped. "I don't get it Luz.. the time where you told me you liked me back.. I thought finally! For the first time in my life. I found someone, who wasn't trying to use me.." Amity's voice started to break and get shaky making Luz's heart break in a million pieces. "Why do you do it? Why do you ignore me near people!? Is it because your a human and I'm a witch?!" Amity started crying uncontrollably. "No it's not that!" Luz reached to caress her girlfriends cheek before getting a quick slap to her hand. "Don't!" Amity yelled before rushing off leaving Luz speechless. "Amity!" She yelled before amity was out of her view.

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