Cheated(idk what to call this chapter)

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Amity had seen Luz hug some girl, she'd also noticed The strange girl kiss Luz, her heart shattered as she ran off before noticing Luz slap her))
(They are staying in apartment ig)

"Amity! Im Home!" I Yell has I hear quiet sobbing coming from our bedroom. I take my jacket off and play my bag on the ground as I walk over to the closed bedroom door. I slowly open the door to see my girlfriend sobbing in a pillow. "Love..? Are you alright?.." I ask walking towards the bed and sit on the edge beside her. "Hey...? Did something happen? Did someone say something to you..!" I question seeing my girlfriend shake. "G-Go away!" Amity yelled, it's the first time I've ever heard her get mad at me like that, so it seems like i must've done something.

"Amity I don't understand what I did?." I question as I rub her soft back. "W-why did you kiss that girl.." she had mumbled. I heard how hurt she sounded, I thought about what she said and remembered earlier that day. "oh.. that.." I mumble. "Why'd you do it!" I watch my girlfriend look at me, eyes all red and puffy, hair messy, mascara smudged. "I promise I didn't kiss her!" I said as I caressed her cheek. "Why'd I see you and her kiss though!" Her tears start to roll down her pink cheeks a lot more then before. "She kissed me.. I'm sorry.." I grab the crying girl and sit her on my lap. She hid her face in my shoulder making me move her face towards mine. "Look at me love." I whisper as she try's her hardest not to make  eye contact. "Look at me amity." I say wiping her tears with my thumbs, she finally makes eye contact with me after a couple minutes. "Look. I didn't kiss her! She kissed me. And it didn't mean anything.. I love you, not anyone else, just you." I say as I peck her on the lips. "You sure.?." amity sniffles. "Yes." Amity wipes her smudged mascara and nuzzles her face into the crook of my neck. "Promise me you'll never talk to her again please.." amity softly mumbled. "I promise.." I say as she moves her face out of the crook of my neck, she gently lays her lips on mine, she pulls away after a minutes and lays her head on my shoulder.

"I love you.."

This is so bad I just wanted to write something today 😭

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