Oh my titan amity?!

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Amity had just finished fighting one of her dads abominations. She hasn't gotten any sleep for 3 days or have showered in a week. She stumbled down to the owl house and gently knocked the door. "I'll get it!" She heard Luz yell from the inside, Luz opened the door and looked at amity with wide eyes then looked her up and down. Dry blood on her knees, hands, elbows, dirt on her arms, in her hair, abomination goo? In her hair, stained on her clothing, and on her leg. "Oh my Titan amity?!"

Amity teared up and collapsed into Luz's arms. Luz gently wrapped her arms around the girl and heard a couple sniffles. "Hey... it's okay to cry, Let it out" amity started to cry softly in Luz's shoulder, Luz carefully ran her fingers threw her purple hair. A couple minutes pass and amity stops crying. "Alright, you wanna go have a bath?" Luz said pulling away from amity and caressing her cheek, amity nodded weakly. "Okay.. And~ scoop." Luz picked up amity like how she did when she broke her leg. She walked down the hallway to her room, she grabbed some pyjamas and a towel. She walked to the bathroom and set amity down in the toilet. "Mk and there." Luz softly laid down the clothes and towel before running the tub until it was full enough then slowly walked out to give amity privacy.

Amity didn't wanna be alone and grabbed Luz's hand. Luz turned around and glanced at amity and sighed. Luz gently took off amity's worn out clothes and helped her in the tub, amity's legs shook slighty as she slowly sat down in the tub. Usually this would be embarrassing for Luz but all she cared about was for amity to be clean and get some sleep and maybe some food. "There you go.." Luz whispered has amity sat in the tub, luz got up and shut the door so eda wouldn't walk in or whatever. Luz gently squeezed the shampoo in her hand and softly started washing amity's hair. She then rinsed the shampoo out with a cup of water, she laid her hand on amity's forehead so she wouldn't get anything in her eyes.

After she finished washing her hair she slowly grabbed a cloth and rubbed her arms, elbows, and legs and knees. Making sure all the dry blood, dirt and abomination goo was off. "Alright and finished." Luz slowly helped amity up and out of the tub before quickly grabbing the towel and wrapping it around her. "One last thing~" she pecked amity's nose making her smile a bit. "And~ scoop!" She picked up amity again and grabbed her clothes as she walked out of the bathroom. "Pow!" Luz said has she put amity back on her feet. "Okay time to dry off." Luz took the towel off amity and dried her hair, then dried her body. "Now clothes" Luz gently helped amity out clothes on.

She now has a bed in her room so she set amity on it. "I'll go get something for you to eat and drink." Luz rushed out of the room and ran to the bathroom, draining the tub and running to the kitchen. "Maybe some apple juice that I brought her? Andd.. a sandwich." She swiftly made her way to the room with the drink and food. "Here you go hermosa" Luz sat the plate with the sandwich on amity's lap and the drink before sitting beside her on the bed. She watched has her girlfriend ate her food and drank her apple juice, amity set the plate on the desk beside her and laid down. "...thank you.. Luz.." amity said quietly. "Anything for you sweet potato." Luz said cuddling amity.

Amity fell asleep in a couple minutes and eda walked in the room. "Oh bossy boots is here."
Luz turned her head watching her turn around and walk away. Luz turned her attention back to amity and ran her fingers threw her hair. "I love you.." she whispered in her girlfriends ear and held her close while she fell asleep.

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