April fools??

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It's April fools and boscha tells Luz, amity's gonna "fake asking her out" for a prank, even though Amity wasn't planning on "faking" asking Luz out. ((Amity had done the same thing to boscha a year back, wow boscha is getting revenge))

Luz plays an offline game she has on her phone, has boscha runs up to her. "Oh boscha? Hi!" Luz grinned, boscha smirked and started talking. "Hi Luz, so- today is April fools, and- and Amity is going to 'Fake' asking you out for a prank. So I've got a plan!" Luz put her phone away nodding. "Oh.. alright. What's the plan?" Boscha smiled knowing this was gonna be a good prank.
Text messages on her phone.

Boscha!! I finally have the courage to ask Luz out, tomorrow<33

Oooo Interesting!! You go girl👍👍


"Sooo.. when she asks you out, you instantly reject her!" Luz thinks. "Hmmm... alrighty." Boscha seen amity walking towards the two, before saying one more thing. "HERE SHE COMES. ILL GO RECORD IT FROM OVER THERE!" Boscha whispered rushing off down the hall. "Hey Luz.." Amity smiled holding flowers. "Oh hi Mittens" amity looked down and started to get nervous. "Okay... soo, I've been wanting to ask you something for a while now.. and I've finally got the courage to ask you. Luz noceda, will you.. be my girlfriend?" She said trying to hand her the flowers. "Seriously..?  Me? With A brat like you?? Pffttt" Luz was good at acting and it made her feel proud of herself. "What..?" Amity's smile disappeared and she went pale. "Amity, I would never be your girlfriend.. your too.. annoying." Luz stated. "oh.." amity frowned as Luz snatched and threw the flowers on the ground. Amity gripped the end of her little dress, she wore, tearing up. "APR- "I think.. I think I gotta go." Amity interrupted, walking back slowly before running off. "That looked amazing!" Boscha said running over with her scroll in hand. "It did? She didn't say April fools when she asked me." Boscha sighed. "Well.. the thingy is... She wasn't pranking you." Luz's eyes widened. "WHAT." The Noceda yelled, before running off into the washroom, where amity usually hides out when she gets a bad grade. Luz looks down at the shoes and bingo, blight is there. She's sitting on the floor.

"Mittens?" She mumbled knocking on the stall. "Go away." She said in a cold voice, just like how she talked to Luz when they first met. Luz frowned and crawled under into amity's stall. ((No one else is in the washroom btw, only Amity crying in the stall)) She's crying. "Wow... Amity.?" Luz sat infront of her on her knees. "Why would you say all that... you could've just simply rejected me. What? Were you waiting for the chance to tell me what you think of me?! Am I annoying to you?! Am I a brat?!" Amity yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Amity..." she reached her hand over and laid it on amity's cheek, wiping the tears. "Don't touch me!" Amity shoved Luz's hand off her and went back to crying. Luz had never seen her cry before.

"listen.. boscha told me that, you were gonna ask me out for a 'prank' and she thought it would be funny if I rejected you, and.." "You thought it would be funny to reject me.!? Make fun of my feelings? I went out and picked you flowers, and you just threw them on the ground!" "Amity... I didn't mean too.. I just got so carried away with the acting." "CARRIED AWAY?! YOU GOT CARRIED AWAY?! THATS YOUR EXCUSE?" Amity got up but before she could open the stall, Luz grabbed her arm. "No! I didn't know you were actually asking me out.! If I did I wouldn't have rejected you." Amity's expression softened. "What..What are you saying.?" Luz sighed and nervously looked down. "I Uhm.. I like you too." Amity went to frustrated to shocked. "You.. do.? Your not tricking me.?" The blight whispered. "I'm not tricking you" Luz stood up making a dorky smile. "Uhm.. Amity. Will you be my girlfriend.?"  Amity quickly hugged Luz sniffling. "Yes! Yes! I'll be your girlfriend!" Luz got butterflies and hugged Amity back.

Luz happily picked amity up and squealed. "I love you so much!!" Amity giggled and looked at her watch. "I guess we should be heading to class now huh?" Luz nodded and carried her girlfriend to class.

(I've been working on this for a couple days now, taking very ..very long breaks of course. But I'm still late on it. It's currently 12am now for me, so.. yeah it's kinda late. I rushed the ending because of that Lol))

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