Chapter Twenty-One

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Sister, Sister

Emily's POV

- Two days later -

"Are you sure you want to be here?" My best friend, Nyla asked me.

I turned to her, "Of course I'm sure. My little sister is dead and I have to talk to him, you know that."

Nyla sighed, "I know, stupid question, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Ny. Let's just go." Nyla and I hooked arms before walking into the tall building that I hadn't been to in two years. When I walked in, I felt dizzy. It just doesn't feel right being here.

"Holy shit, this place is huge." Nyla whispered to me as we walked through the main lobby. "I would never see you working here.

"That's because I didn't, my sister does- I mean, did." She nodded as we got on the elevator. I pressed the button to the 30th floor. The doors closed, leaving just Nyla and I in the elevator.

"30th floor? That's all the way up."

I nodded, "I realize."

Nyla and I stood in silence as the floors got higher and higher until we reached the 30th. My heart dropped. "Just stay behind me, okay? Who knows what it's like behind these doors." Nyla nodded and we walked out.

My eyes met with the back of a familiar blonde that I haven't seen in ages. "Des?"

The blonde turned around and her eyebrows furrowed. "E-Emily, why are you here?"

I walked up to her, Nyla followed behind me. "I came to see Justin. Is he in?" I asked as I hugged her.

She sighed, pushing me away. "I really don't think seeing him is such a good idea."


"It's Destiny." She interrupted me, looking down..

"Right, Destiny, I just need to speak with him. Please."

Destiny shook her head, turning back around. "I really don't think that's a good idea, Emily." She said sternly.

"Destiny, my sister is dead and Justin is the only one thing that I have left whether anybody likes it or not, it's the truth!"

"But you lost Justin a long time ago. Coming back now isn't going to fix what you should have two years ago."

"I- Destiny, please." I begged.

She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Well, let me see if he's here."

"Okay, thank you."

Destiny turned her back fully around, reaching for the phone on her desk. I looked over at the wall beside me and saw a plaque.

I walked over to it and brushed my fingers along the letters engraved.

Grace Hollister, Co-Executive

Tears burned in the back of my eyes as I touched each letter. Flashbacks of Grace and I flooded my mind but were soon interrupted as I heard commotion coming from inside of her office.

I pushed the door open and saw a shorter brunette leaning over Grace's desk. "Who the hell are you?"

She gasped, whipping around. "Oh hi, I'm Demetria. And you are?"

I walked in, crossing my arms. "Emily. Care to tell me what the hell you're doing in my sister's office?"

Demi stood up, dusting off her jeans. "I was told to put belongings together, that's all."

"Get out."

She scoffed, "Excuse me?"

"I said get out. I don't want some stranger touching Grace's belongings."

Demi rolled her eyes, setting the box that she had down on the chair. "I was only trying to help." She mumbled, walking past me.

I flinched when the door shit behind me. Walking over to Grace's desk, I picked up the picture I saw of her and I on top of the box. I couldn't help but want to cry as soon as I saw it. Sure Grace was only a year and a half younger than me, but she's still my little sister.

Dead or alive.

A knock on Grace's door startled me. "Emily," Destiny said and I turned around. "He'll see you."

"Thank you, Destiny." I put the picture down before leaving Grace's office. "Still the same place?"

Destiny nodded and I turned to Nyla. "I'll be back. Shouldn't take me more than 10 minutes."

"Take your time, Em. I'll be right here."

I took a deep breath before walking down a long, narrow hallway that I have been down before.

Before I got to his door, I turned for the bathroom. I closed my eyes and thought of the last time I saw him.

"Aren't you excited?" I turned and Grace was entering the room, and stood behind me.

"I don't know."

She giggled, "What do you mean you don't know? Em, you've been waiting for this day since the first day you met him."

"I know, I just don't think I'm ready. You're with Justin more than I am. Don't you think he rushes into things a bit too fast?"

She shrugged, "Not really. I have you to thank for that job anyways, Emily. If you don't do this, I will."

I sighed, "I'll be back." I walked past Grace and out of the room that I was in. My dress was trailing behind me as I searched for his room.

When I found it, I reached up and knocked lightly. I stood patiently, looking in as the door opened. "Emily, gosh you look beautiful. But what are you doing here? Isn't this like prohibited or something?" He asked chuckling.

"I-I can't do this," I shook my head, looking Justin in the eyes. "I can't do it."

"What do you mean? Emily, what is going on?"

I bit my lip, looking down. "I'm sorry, Justin. We just- I just- We're not meant for each other. I have to go." I turned and ran down the long hallway

"Emily!" I heard him yell after me. "Emily, don't do this! Emily!"

I snapped back, splashing water in my face. "You can do this, Emily." I reassured myself. "You can do this."

Exiting the bathroom, I was right back where I started. In front of his door. I took a deep breath before pushing the large door open. With his back facing me, I looked him up and down. From what I see, he doesn't look the same. I was hoping that he'd look the same, but he doesn't.

I cleared my throat, he whipped around. When he saw me, he turned pale. "Hi.."

"E-Emily?" I nodded, going towards him. "Wh-What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you. I-I- since Grace, she.. Look, I miss you, Justin. I'm sorry and I just-" Justin's eyes trailed away and went behind me. "What?" I whispered, turning around.

"Justin, I have to get campus. Do you need anythi-" When the girl looked up, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Demi, um, no I don't need anything else." Justin said, going over to her. He took her hand and lead her in front of me. "Emily, this is Demetria, my girlfriend."

Girlfriend? What?

"And Demetria, this is Emily. She's Grace's sister and my..." Justin trailed off, looking down.

"She's my ex-fiancée."

• I have been waiting for this. A lot will unravel, so if you're confused, don't worry it'll be explained in the next few chapters. Sorry it took so long to update. Hope ya'll are still reading this..

Thanks for reading. Much love, xx

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