Chapter Twelve

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The Surprise Visitor
Demetria's Point Of View

Today was Friday. As of the day that I was going out of my way to meet Justin's parents. Not that I mind, because I don't. I'm just really nervous.

Text from Justin:

I'm outside!!!!!! :)

I chuckled, tucking my phone in the front of my handbag and leaving my dorm.

"Hey, Demi wait!" I stopped, just as I was about to leave my dorm hall. When I turned around, Leo was making his way down the hall.

"Hey, what's up?"

He chuckled, "I know this is kind of random, but would you like to have that movie night tonight?"

"Tonight?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah. Is that a problem?"

"I would tonight, but I can't.." I told him, looking behind me. Justin was across the street, waiting patiently. "I'm no-"

"No, no. I get it." He cleared his throat. "Have fun, alright?"

"Rain check?" I asked, hopeful.

"Uh, yeah. I'll see you later, Demi." He said, walking away with his head dropped down.


I was staring out of the window of Justin's red Camaro as we drove down the highway. If felt weird being in a car with just him, when I'm used to Paul driving us places..

Great, now I sound like a snob. Ugh, today just really isn't my day.

"Why are you so quiet?" He asked me.

"They're not going to like me." I said, absentmindedly.

Justin chuckled, "They are going to love you. Why are you so nervous? This is not the Demi I know."

I sighed, "That's because the Demi you know accidentally dropped her confidence in the toilet this morning."

"I can guarantee that it's going to be fine, okay?"

I nodded, redirecting my attention to my phone that just went off.

Text from Leo:

Have fun with what's his name.

Why the hell is he acted like this? I sighed and texted back.

Text to Leo:

His name is Justin.

Text from Leo:

Tell him I said hi.

I rolled my eyes, placing my phone face down away from me. "So tell me about your mom."

"Don't call her Mrs. Bieber because her and my father aren't together anymore."

"Then what do I call her?"

"Pattie. That's her name. And it won't make things uncomfortable."

I chuckled, "Yeah.. I'll remember that."

"She's really easy to get along with. I think she'll love you."

"I hope she does."

My phone buzzed again, but I really was not looking forward to answering it.

Text from Leo:

Use protection.

Text to Leo:

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