Chapter Two

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An Almost Encounter.

As the day went on, I had known all there is to know on the 30th floor. There wasn't much Destiny did, but I credit her for that. If I was working in the same place for 3, almost 4 years, as a secretary with no leveling up, I'd quit. I don't know how she does it.

It was going on 5 and I had been doing the same thing since 2. Nothing. I hadn't seen Grace since this morning and by the looks of it, I'm sure she's close with Mr. Bieber. She has to know something of what's going on.

Destiny had given me papers to staple, and it wasn't long until I was done with them. This is the longest first day ever. "Worst first day?", She asked.

I sighed, "Is it obvious? I came here to shadow a person that's hiding in their own shadow."

"That's Mr. Bieber for ya. My first week here, I didn't meet him, see him, or hear him for like a whole month. And when I did, I had no clue who he was, just because of that."

"Damn. He better make an appearance soon or I'll have to shadow Grace." Her and I shivered. I had just met Grace and I already find something weird about her.

Destiny grabbed her purse. "How about some food?"

I got up, putting on my sweater. "Food sounds amazing." I said, getting my purse as well. We hadn't eaten since lunch which was around 12. Destiny linked her arm with mine and we waltzed over to the elevator.

We waited for the elevator to open. "Gone so soon?" Grace appeared, walking out with a brown paper bag in her hand.

Destiny nudged me into the elevator. "We're just going for some food." She said, stepping in as well.

Grace huffed, "I didn't get an invite." She said.

The elevator began to close slowly, "That's because you weren't invited." I snickered as Destiny said. The door closed all the way and we bursted out in laughter.

With it being the beginning of August, I didn't expect New York to still be as warm as it is. We stood outside for a good minute as Destiny called for a taxi. Moments later, one pulled up and her and I got in.

"Where to?" The drivers raspy voice asked.

"Cardona's please." She said sweetly.


She leaned over to me. "We're about to be entering heaven." I giggled and enjoyed the short 10 minute ride.

I was gazing over the menu and everything looked so good. "If you want something to die for, get the ravioli." I glanced up at Des. "I'm telling you, you'll die."

"Hm, I think I will get that." I put the menu down. "Thank you."

"No problem, girl."

Des was right. The ravioli is going to kill me. "Holy shit, it's like a party in my mouth right now!"

She laughed, "Right?!" Destiny looked behind me and gasped. "Don't look now, but the guy behind you works on the 24th floor and I swear to you, he is the most gorgeous man in the world." She was practically drooling. "Shit, here he comes. Look busy." She panicked, dropping her fork before scurrying for something in her purse.

"Destiny, hey." A male's voice said in front of our table. I looked at Destiny as she looked up at him.

"Hi, Trent." She said rather abrupt. "Fancy seeing you here."

Fancy seeing you here? Who says that anymore?

"Same to you." I felt his gaze on me, "Who's your friend?"

"Oh, this is Demi. She's shadowing, the one and only Mr. Bieber believe it or not."

I looked up and smiled. This guy is pretty damn gorgeous. Geez, this girl just doesn't lie.

"Hm, good luck with him. He's pretty tough."

I nodded, "So I've heard." I went back to eating as Destiny chatted with Trent.

Destiny hadn't even finished her lunch, she was so into this guy. The whole way back to the office, he was all she talked about. She really does fancy this guy, it's kind of funny, but cute.

By the time we got back to the office, everyone had gone. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?"

Destiny chuckled, "I'm the secretary. Of course you'll see me tomorrow."

"Thanks for being so nice to me today, Destiny."

"Hey, don't mention it. If anybody's going to be your friend in this place, it's going to be me. I'm the only nice person here." She winked, heading towards the elevator. "See you, Demi."

"Bye." I waved, watching the elevator doors closed.

Instead of going to the elevator myself, I headed towards Grace's office. Her door was shut, and the light was off. Guess I am the only one here. I should get going back to campus.

"No. Mr. Andrews, you listen to me.." A gruff, unfamiliar voice said, sounding closer. I slowly opened Grace's door which was unlocked. "What I do is strict business. I'm a very strict boss and don't need an idiot like you fucking this up."

I looked around, making sure nobody was in here. Then I peeked out the door as the elevator dinged.

He was facing me from behind and I scanned down the only features that I could see.

His suit was rolled up on his arm and a tattoos were showing on each arm. A large, shiny golden watch was placed on his wrist and he seemed impatient waiting for the elevator. I couldn't see his all of his hair, but from what I did see, his hair was a chestnut brown, in a shaved but spiked style.

A few more absent minded curse words escaped from his lips, as he was still on the phone. "I do not have time for such nonsense tonight. I am now leaving my office, and will speak with you some other time. Goodbye, Mr. Eric Andrews."

As soon as he hung up, the elevator doors opened. When he stepped in, I closed Grace's door, backing up more so he couldn't see me. Once the door was heard shutting, I stepped back out of her office.

Holy shit.

That was Mr. Bieber.

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