Chapter Thirteen

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"I do recall telling you that if you don't back off, I'll make your life a living fucking hell." I backed up when she came closer. "Welcome to hell, darling."

My blood was boiling and all I wanted to do was break her fucking neck.

A gasp came from behind me. "Grace darling, you came!" I turned around and Justin's mother was exiting the house, coming towards us. "Come, come. I don't want your food getting cold."

I stepped back as Pattie and Grace pushed past me. Grace turned er head, sending me a smirk before entering the house with Pattie.

Scoffing, I walked off the back porch, walking down the path that was in front of me. When I came to view with a small bench, I sat down.

"My mom can be a real bitch." Gasping, I looked beside me. A girl, not that younger than me was sitting on the other end of the bench. "Sorry if I scared you." She apologized, closing the book she was reading.

"No, no. I just didn't know you were there."

She chuckled, "Nobody knows that I'm here."

I cleared my throat, looking out at the lake ahead of me. "I-I'm-"

"Demi?" She finished. "I know who you are. I'm Madison, Justin's younger sister."

I looked at the girl beside me.. She didn't look anything like Justin and barely resembled Pattie. She had blond hair, piercing dark blue eyes, and a deep dimple that showed in her cheek.

"Oh. I didn't know he had siblings.." I said, uneasily.

"Nobody does. He's so busy with work, I'm surprised he even remembers us."

"Are you his only sibling?"

She shook he head. "No. Jonathan is the oldest out of us three. He's 28, Justin's 25, and I'm 16. Just the baby." She sighed, "How old are you? You look like you could be the same age as me no offense."

I shrugged. "Well, I get that a lot. I'm 19."

"Then why are you with my brother? He's fucking old, and you're hot. Him... Not so much."

I laughed loudly at Madison's remark, looking down. "He's pretty hot to me.."

She shivered, "Oh gross. Don't you work for him?"

"Not exactly, I'm still in college. I'm just shadowing him for..." I thought for a moment. "For what's to come in the future."

"What is to come in the future?"

"Honestly?" I asked her, she nodded. "I don't even know."

It was silent after what I said.. I guess there's a lot more that I don't know about Justin.. I thought he was an only child.. At least that's what he ha me believe.

"Madison, what do you know about Grace Hollister?"

Madison's eyes widened, "God, that bitch? I can't stand her. Why?"

"Because she just so happens to be inside eating dinner with Justin and your mother."

"Oh my god, are you kidding me?"

I wish I was..


She turned, facing me. "I don't want you thinking that Justin invited her here, because it was most likely my mother. She doesn't want Justin with anybody else but her because she thinks Grace is his soulmate."

She chuckled. "Soulmate? What the fuck is that? She's a horrible person! Last year on my sixteenth birthday, her and I were in the kitchen when the bitch accidentally knocked down my cake. My cake! Then she said I tripped with it. I wanted to trip her!"

"Oh god.." I mumbled under my breath, sighing.

"My mother is obsessed with her and Grace is obsessed with my brother." She said to me, rolling her eyes. "It was all because of something so stupid that shouldn't of happened.." She mumbled.

"W-What happened?" I asked, curiously.

"I want to tell you, but I shouldn't.. Justin should."

"I should what?" I looked at Madison who was looking behind me. When I turned, my eyes met with Justin's. Madison didn't answer and niether did I. "Mom wants you inside."

My eyes followed Madison as she got up with her book by her side. "I'll talk to you layer, Demi." I nodded, watching as she walked away.

Sighing, I stood up. I just want to leave. "Woah, not you." Justin told me, holding onto my arm. "We need to talk.."

I sighed again, sitting back down. He sat beside me. "I didn't invite her here. My mom has some kind of obsession with Grace and-"

"She doesn't want you with anybody else but Grace?"

Justin sighed, "Yeah." He whispered.

"Well that's too bad for her, isn't it?" He looked at me. "I mean, you're my boyfriend.. Not hers, so she'll just have to get over it. Your mother, too."

Justin chuckled, taking my hand in his. "Come with me."

"Justin, no." I told him when I realized where we were going.

Him and I stopped in fromt of the lake. "Come on, baby. Strip."

I stood uncomfortably, watching as he undressed. I chuckled when he was just in his boxers. I shook my head as I began to strip as well. "What if somebody sees?"

"You think I care?"



I took a hold of his hand again and we walked towards the water. "Is this going to be cold?"

He shrugged. "Maybe."

I squealed when I was lifted off the ground. Justin walked into the water and I was hanging onto him with all my life.

Justin set me down in the water, but still had his arms around my waist and I had my arms around his neck.

"Thank you for not going anywhere after you know who showed up."

"I couldn't leave you even if I tried." I told him, "But what happened between you two? I just don't get it.."

"What do you mean?"

"Why the two of you hold such a grudge against one another. Justin, your sister made it seem like something so awful happened between you and Grace, and I just want to know what happened."

He sighed, leaning towards me. "Another time, please?" He asked, placing his head in the crook of my neck. "I just want to enjoy this."

"Okay." I sighed, "And I also want to thank you, Justin."

"For?" He mumbled.

"For everything."

Thanks for reading. Much love, xx

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