Chapter Fifteen

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Truth Hurts

Demetria's POV

I'm positive God was on my side when I left whats his name's place. Thankfully, I was able to get back to campus at 7, which gives me 15 minutes to get a shower and to get ready and the last 45 minutes to get to Bieber Inc. on the stupid subway.

Like planned, I was out of the shower by 7:15 and was ready 15 minutes later. Grabbing my half dead phone and bag, I was out of my dorm.

"Late night, huh?"

I turned around, sighing. "Leo.. Hey."

"What a way to say hello." I scoffed, "Okay, this is going nowhere, so I'm gonna go now. Have a nice day."

I knew I wasn't going to get the last word, but I didn't have time to listen to him, especially not today. I turned and walked straight out of my dorm hall.

Just as I was almost to the end of campus nearing the exit, in the corner of my eye a familiar car sat. Walking over to it, I knocked on the tinted window.

"Just the person I was looking for." Paul said to me, getting out of the car. "I'm here upon request."

I shrugged, pulling my bag closer to me. "I didn't request you."

"I know you didn't, someone else did." He told me. Obviously him and I both know who that "someone else" is.

"You can tell that someone else, that I'd rather spend an hour on the subway."

"C'mon Demi, he only asked that I pick you up."

I sighed, "Fine. But please don't make the ride awkward, Paul."

He smiled, holding the door open for me. "I won't."

Paul didn't lie and made things seem as normal as possible. Even though awkwardness was just filling the car the 20 minutes it took to get there.

It's funny how Justin can send Paul to get me for a stupid job, but can't stick up to his on mother, for me- his girlfriend- well, now ex girlfriend. He didn't even bother asking if I was okay and he didn't come after me.

"Thanks Paul.." I got out of the car, leaning down on the window. "I'll see you around?"

He nodded, "When you ever need a ride, call me. It'll be our little secret." I smiled to him, backing away as he drove off. Sighing to myself, I turned and entered hell. Literally, hell.

I dreaded coming back here, but I'm not going to let Justin or Grace get in the way of my education and what I want to do with my life. I doubt they've even fully figured out theirs.

When I got to the my destination, Destiny's face was the first one that I saw.. Well, kind of.

"Tough night, huh?"

She groaned. "Please, you're too loud!" I chuckled, walking to my desk which was right by hers. "Ugh, these are for you." I looked down at the papers in front of me.

"What are these?"

"Mr- Justin says that they are notes that need to be organized. Also, you're supposed to go to his office as soon as you arrive. His words, not mine." I rolled my eyes. "And now that you're here, I doubt you want to keep him waiting."

I nodded, "Is Grace here?"

"Surprisingly, no. But Justin's hot, older brother is."

My eyes squinted, "Hm.. Well, I'll have to go see just how hot he is." I said, joking around, making my way back to the Devil.

I knocked a few tomes before hearing a faint, Come in. I took a few deep breaths before entering his office.

"I see Miss. Cyrus has given you your work." He acknowledged, I nodded. "Okay, good. I expect it on my desk by the end of the day."

I scoffed, "End of the day? There's at least 200 pages of notes in here, how do you expect m-"

"Jesus Justin, lay off the poor girl." I froze, staring at Justin. He turned away.

"Miss. Lovato, meet my brother. He'll be working her for a bit."

I turned around, meeting the eyes of Mr. Gorgeous. Well, I'll be damned.

"Miss. Lovato." He winked, holding out his hand.

"H-Hi," I said back, shaking his hand. "John."

Justin came beside me. "Do you two know each other?" He asked me.

I looked at Justin then back at John who was smirking at me. "Yes, actually we do know each other."


I shrugged, "We slept together last night." I answered coldly.

Justin stood still, his jaw clenched. "Get out, now." He said slowly. Following behind John, I walked towards the door. "Not you." He said, pulling me back.

I gasped, watching the papers fall from my hands. "What the hell." I cried, squatting down to pick them up.

"You fucked my brother?" He said bitterly, dragging me up from the ground.

"Do not touch me." I snapped at him, pulling my arm back. "And so what if I did? What's it to you?"

"What's it to me?!" He repeated louder, "You're my girlfriend, Demi! And you fucked my brother? Are you fucking stupid?"

"No, but clearly you are! Last time I remember, a boyfriend doesn't let his mother downgrade his girlfriend and not say anything! Justin, that fucking hurts, you know! You didn't even care that I left, you didn't even bother coming after me! So don't you dare pull the "girlfriend card" on me and call me stupid! Because you're stupid and we are over!" I breathed out, because I said that way too fast and I can't seem to comprehend what is going on right now.

"I wanted to go after you but I couldn't, okay?!"

"Why?! Didn't want to leave you little wife, Grace by her lonesome?"

"No, because maybe my mom's right."

I scoffed, "What a fucking baby you are! If you honestly think that I would use you for what you have or who you are, you're so wrong. Never in a million fucking years would I use somebody that means so much to me! I never wanted to hurt you."

He shrugged. "I just thought you were different."

I nodded, holding back tears that wanted to fall. "Yeah? Well, I thought you were different, but boy was I wrong." I shook my head, heading to his office door, leaving the papers behind.

"Demi, wait."

Thanks for reading. Much love, xx

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