Chapter Five

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Dinner at Dawn

The commute back to campus was quicker than usual. It was probably because I was ready for tonight. Dinner with Justin, I was ready.

It sounds weird to say already, but I feel a connection between him and I. At first I thought shadowing wasn't going to be fun, but it's getting somewhere. Him and I have a lot more in common than i thought.

When the bus stopped in front of the campus, I was the first off. I scurried into my dorms' hall and into my dorm. Finding an outfit was very difficult. I looked at the clock and saw that is was 10 minutes till 7. 7 is when I'm supposed to meet Justin. An I haven't even found an out fit yet.

Grabbing the first thing I saw, I quickly put it on, getting my purse before leaving.

I hope I look good enough for whatever restaurant we're going to.

Mr. Bieber's POV

"Stop, right here."

It was 5 minutes till 7 and I had my driver, Paul stop in front of the gates of Demetria's college. We sat on the other side of the street for a couple of minutes until I spotted Demetria walking out of a door.

I got out of the car, leaning on it ever so slightly. Demetria's eyes wandered around as she exited the campus before her eyes settled on mine.

She stopped, "I'm underdressed aren't I?" I stood in silence, opening the door for her. She mumbled an okay before getting in.

"Dinner at Dawn, the most prestigious restaurant in all of New York. Demetria, once you enter, it's hard to leave." I said breaking the long silence I put upon us.

"Hard to leave? Why, is the food that good?" She asked, her head turning towards mine.

Our eyes locked for a brief moment before I turned away. "You'll just have to wait and see."

"Okay," she said uneasy. "So where is this place?"

"Right over there." I pointed out the window, her eyes followed.

Demetria opened her mouth, obviously wanting to say something but nothing came out. "Are you alright?"

I opened the door for her, holding out my hand as she got out. "Thank you." She whispered, holding onto my hand as we walked. "A-Are we going on that?"

The nervousness in her voice was funny... and cute. "Yep. You nervous?"

"Me, nervous? N-No. I've been on boats before."

I chuckled, "Demetria, it's not a boat, it's a ferry." I stepped on, turning to face her.

"Is there a difference, smartass?" She snapped.

Smartass. I've never been called that before, now's a first. Shes too confident. Never saw that in a woman that's crossed my path.

"Smartass, eh?"

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Bieber."

Just going to say this now, but being called 'Mr. Bieber' by Demetria is such a turn on. I smirked at her, "I'm just scared of being on things that move on water."

I followed behind Demetria, watching as she clung onto the railing of the ferry once it started moving. "Is my stomach going to stop doing flips or not?"

The palm of my hand was placed on the small of her back. I felt as she heaved harshly. "It will once you calm down."

"Is there a bathroom on this thing?"

"Yes, come with me."

I walked down a flight of stairs, a scared, nervous, and reckless Demetria walked slowly behind me. My blood was boiling and all I heard was her heavy breathing.

In a quick second, I had Demetria pinned against the stairwell railing. She gasped, struggling to get out of my grip, "What are you doing?!"

I lowered my head, "You need to calm down, Demetria." I growled into her neck.

"But, I-"

My lips found hers, in a very hungry fashion. A small whimper escaped from her lips once I reached down her dress, squeezing her bum.

"-But you need to calm down, do you understand me?"

Her hands began to wrap around my neck before I stopped her, "I..." I pushed her back against the wall.

"You what?" I mumbled, gently biting onto her neck.

Demetria yelped out, pushing me off. "I understand you."

"Good." I dragged her down the rest of the stairs, opening a door. "Welcome to the most prestigious restaurant in all of New York, Demetria. This is Dinner at Dawn."

Thanks for reading. Much love, xx

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