Chapter Seventeen

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P.S. I Don't Love You

Mr. Bieber's Point Of View

"Hello... It's uh, Demetria. I just called to tell you that I will not be returning to your job. I want to thank you for everything that you have done for me and all that you gave, but I will no longer be in need of any of your services. With that being said, this will be the last time I contact you. I-I'm sorry. Goodbye, Mr. Bieber."

I've listened to this message for the past two days. It was like a horrible record I kept on replaying, even though it drove me insane. Many times I tried calling Demetria back, but it immediately went to voicemail. My blood was boiling and I couldn't see straight. Everything that was anything between her and I was now over. I can remember the first day I saw her.

I was late. Only about 10 minutes, but it was still late. My job is the only thing I have that is mine. I don't care if I'm head of it all, being late is highly unprofessional and I don't like it.

"5:30, Justin?" Paul, my driver had asked me, pulling up to Bieber Inc. I nodded ever so slightly, getting out of the black luxury car.

I had glanced down at my phone, as it was reminding me what I had to do today. The first reminder that stood out to me, made my eyes widen.

Meet College Student, Demetria Lovato.

Fuck, I forgot.

Just the last week, I had gotten an email come New York University, a college just on the other aide of town. It was from some sort of guidance counselor, Ms. White. She had requested that one of her students, who was highly intelligent, bright, and kind would shadow me because of future references. Her words not mine.

Unfortunately, the student was put on a waiting list, because a lot of people, that weren't students and were experienced in exactly what I do were at the top of my list. But suddenly, people were cleared off, being moved to another business, putting the mysterious, Demetria Lovato at the top of my list.

My phone was then place back into my pocket as I entered the building. I was greeted by many people, but ignored them, going to the elevator. I can't be anymore late than I am, before everybody on my floor goes insane.

In the short five minutes the elevator ride was, I was where I needed to be. As soon as I walked out, my eyes met the back of a body that I know I have not seen before. The small, curvy woman with long brunette hair sat down besides my secretary, Destiny Cyrus, as the two talked. I slowly walked closer, fixing my blazer. The brunette picked up her head and her eyes met mine. God, they were beautiful. When I began to quicken my pace a bit, the short woman dropped her head as I approached.

This has to be her.

I pointed to her, "You." My voice seemed to come out deeper than usual, her head snapped up.

"M-Me?" She stuttered before clearing her throat.

I nodded, "Come with me." I turned and began walking, in the corner of my eye, I saw her following behind.

We got to my office and I opened the door. "Watch your step." I muttered.


When I turned, the brunette stumbled in. "I said for you to watch your step." I repeated. I think she could tell that I was hiding my laughter. "You alright?"

She cleared her throat. "Um, yes."

I sat down at the very large desk in front of me, motioning for her to sit down as well, as she did. "I'd like to apologize for my absence this week. I understand you're here to shadow me?"

She nodded slowly, her eyelashes batting. Holy shit, she's adorable. "I.. Well, I'm a college student, you see. And--"

"Quite young, aren't you?"

"19, yes." She stared, "But you are too, Mr. Bieber." The young woman said, regarding to the truth and how young I really am.

I nodded, chuckling. "Touché, Ms.."


Yes, this is her.

"This will be the last time I contact you."

What does she even mean? It can't be the last time she contacts me, when I know that I'm all she thinks about, and she's all I think about. Now, I'll never be able to touch her again, hold her, kiss her, laugh with her, travel with her, nothing. And I don't even know what the fuck happened that she had to say goodbye.

"Fuck!" I cussed loudly, throwing my phone against the wall.

Huffing, I pushed myself back from my kitchen table, storming off to the bathroom. When I saw myself in the mirror, all I wanted to was punch it. Hard. I opened the cabinet with shaking hands, I picked up a three medicine bottles that I haven't touched in months. Because I was happy, I didn't touch them.. Until now.

The first pill was for my depression. A year ago, I was diagnosed with severe depression. The second pill was for my anxiety. Which was my best friend all through high school. And the last pill was for my bipolar disorder. It's bad. That sometimes I don't even know how, but I black out, wake up and have no idea where I am. I do things and say things that I don't remember as well.

I stopped all that I was doing when an idea went through my head. If she wasn't going to see me, I had to see her. I ran out of the bathroom, threw on my jacket, shoes, grabbed the keys to my motorcycle and left.

Demetria's POV

As of now, it was going on 8 o'clock. The sun was setting and everybody was either in their rooms or going to parties.

Everybody but me.

I was laying in my bed, facing the wall. I hadn't left my dorm for the past two days, and I just can't find the courage to leave and do something.

My body jumped when knocking filled my ears. I laid still with my hands over my ears. "Just go away..." I whispered to myself. The knocking was continuous and loud, over and over and over again.

Coming to my senses, I got out of my bed and quickly walked to the door. I stood with my ear pressed to the door.

"Baby, I know you're in there."

I gasped lightly, sliding down the door when I heard his voice.

"Won't you let me in?"

I held my chest, trying bot to cry, "Justin, please go away."

"Demetria, I need you." I sighed, "I can't be without you."

"You don't even know me." I told him, still through the closed door. Though it was closed, I heard all that he said clearly.

"Well I know that I need you, so either you let me in now, or I swear to God, I'll break this fucking door down." I stayed quiet. "Demetria, you never even said goodbye.."

I banged on the door, pulling myself up. "Just leave me alone!" I cried, pulling the door open. The usual beauty in his eyes was gone and he looks like he hadn't slept in days.. But I didn't look any better.

"You're only making things worse by being here, so just leave! Leave me alone and stay away from me! I want nothing to do with you anymore and you don't need anything to do with me. I'm sorry, but I just don't need you! So just go! Go!" I pushed him back, until he was away from me.

"But I love you, Demetria.."

I shook my head, "Well I don't love you."

Thanks for reading. Much love, xx

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