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"1,2,3 and we are on!"

June smiled at the camera to her front. Sitting in the school's broadcast club room recording their video message for their homeroom teacher Mr. Bae. June waved at the camera. "Hello Mr. Bae it's your favourite student ever June!"

Ilhoon made a face behind the camera at her introduction but didn't say anything to interrupt her.

"Since we will be your first ever graduating class we wanted to do something special. I hope whenever you retire you still have this video to look back onto because we will always be thankful to you. I want to thank you for all the times you stayed late at school to tutor me, for when you fought with the descipline incharge when I was late, and for always supporting me in my career by buying all those albums. You are one of the best teacher I've ever had the opportunity to study under! I hope you stay healthy, happy and live a long life! Thank you Mr. Bae!"

June waved at the camera as Kisu cut the shot. Jieun teared up and came to hug June, "That was so sweet!"

"Why are you crying?" Both Aerum and Kisu said at the same time as Ilhoon too dramatically wiped his tears.

"We are graduating soon! We're never going to come to school together again, oh my god I'm so sad."

Aerum just sighed while patting his back as Kisu took his leave to edit the video.


"June, here's the pendrive. I did all the major editing only a few shots are left. You'll finish it by today right?" Kisu handed over the pendrive with the video message to June as she was the head of the broadcast club.

June didn't have any schedule for the rest of the day and had decided to edit the video as Kisu had to go to his study academy after school. She nodded to Kisu making him say a quick goodbye as he left.

June sat down in her chair at her working space, fitting in the Pendrive getting ready to work when Jieun knocked on the door. "Junny, let's have snacks together!"

June had ample of time to edit the video so she stood up grabbing her phone ready to take a small break before starting. "Sure! Let's go."

The girl walked out of the room talking and giggling as they spoke about a new drama, completely oblivious to somebody slipping inside the broadcast club room.

June came back from her small turned long break by half an hour. She had been too immersed talking to Jieun about Itaewon class new episode to actually bother checking the time. It had been Kisu's message asking her if she was done that made her come back and finally get started. June streched her arms to get rid of any tension on her shoulders before starting.

The pendrive was still fitted in the computer, so she just clicked on the files option to open the video. She drew in a confused breath at two files being displayed in the drop box. Kisu had told her how the pendrive only had one file because he didn't like getting confused when playing the work.

June clicked on the second file, it was saved under the numbers 1787. It was video file and June waited for the video to play, at first it was just a black screen before the video began.

June sucked in a breath watching her own self inside her house, cooking, cleaning and doing whatever. The view was of her living room even displaying Taehyun who came to her house. The video switched up then showing June in her classroom talking with her friends, studying and reading. It again switched up to her practice room, it showed her working on her choreo with the dancers or just sitting around with Dae trying to work on choreography.

June pushed out of her seat terrified. The video had recorded some of the most personal moments of her life. Tears streamed down her face and her hands shook as she choked back her sobs utterly terrified at the scenes playing infront of her.

"Hey Junny you left your phone- JUNE!"

Jieun had come in to return her friend's mobile phone not expecting to see her paralyzed in fear before her eyes rolled up and she fainted on the spot. Jieun rushed in wondering just what could've caused something like this, her eyes fell on the computer when she went to lift June up only to get horrified and let out a scream, The recording displayed June or what was her dummy all bloodied up and lying in a dark room.

Jieun herself was panicking but she needed to take care of June, she first went forward and closed the video ready to take out the pendrive before thinking of something and pulling out her handkerchief to pull it out. She pocketed the device in her coat pocket with shaking fingers before rushing back to June's side.

She laid her unconscious friend's head in her lap before unlocking her phone with her fingerprint and clicking on speed dial. Four names were under that category, June's brothers, Taehyun and Dalmi.

Jieun knew about June and Taehyun's relationship but knew that calling the idol wouldn't be beneficial as he might be busy with his schedules. She called Dalmi who picked up the phone right after two rings.

"Hello June? Is there something wrong? Today is your free day."

"Dalmi unnie, this is Jieun."

"Oh Jieun? Why do you have June's phone?"

Jieun took a shaky breath before continuing, "Unnie June fainted. Somebody tried to attack her."

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑, 𝙎𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙞𝙨𝙩Where stories live. Discover now