𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬

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They ended up not complaining to the police. The whole thing was kept under wraps, Pledis management not ready to get another stain on their records after the concert incident.

They provided June with more security but other than that no action has been taken. Taehyun and Haru had been furious but the former had been told to kept silent due to their secret relationship. Haru had tried his best to do something but had ended up empty handed.

Dae had checked every single book and corner of the practice room, finding the camera hidden in the book of one of the mirrors. The school authorities had also tried their best to find any cameras but hadn't been successful, as for the one in June's apartment it had been searched around and found hidden inside her living room near the flower pot.

June had tried her best to forget the whole incident as she had a comeback to prepare for but nothing was good enough to distract her from the lingering feeling of being watched.

As she sat in her classroom half an hour before the graduation photograph June turned to the back when she felt someone's stare. She tried her best to find out if there were any cameras or lingering stares. But it was incredibly hard as she was an idol and got stared alot by her classmates.

"You okay?" Ilhoon questioned coming to stand infront of June's table, he was dressed up as Dazai from his favourite anime, a tradition in Korean high schools do dress up as your favourite characters for graduation photographs. June was dressed up as Black swan from the movie.

June turned back to her friend and shook her head before smiling, "Everything's fine."

Ilhoon was not convinced but he didn't speak up about it, instead changed the subject to get her mind of any troubles, "I'm planning a big suprise for you during the graduation ceremony!"

June got all excited, her attention taken away from her previous thought now all excited about her suprise, "Ooh what is it?"

Ilhoon smiled smugly acting coy, "You'll know later~"

"What is it? Come on, tell me please!" June started whining chasing after Ilhoon when he ran away to avoid her completely missing the longing stares trained at her from the windows.


June walked towards the washroom to fix her hair that had come out of its pins, greeting people in the hallways who were all rushing around happily clicking pictures and laughing at their friends costumes.

A girl from the other class greeted her before stopping and looking in awe, "Oh Junny, that flower looks real!"

June confusedly looked at the girl before putting her hands on her waist, "What flower?"

"The one in your hair."

"But I didn't put any-" the classmate pulled out a flower from June's hair before displaying it to the front. June's eyes widened in horror looking at the white lily in her hand.

Without any words she rushed back to her class. Her friends calling her name but June ignored them as she frantically ran for her phone.

She couldn't do this anymore she needed to contact authorities but when she opened her phone a text message made her stop.

She couldn't do this anymore she needed to contact authorities but when she opened her phone a text message made her stop

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June felt a wave nausea hit her. Her hand going to her mouth to stop the gags. She ran out of the class with Aerum and Ilhoon right behind her.

June barged into the washroom many of her classmates looking at her weirdly as she ran to one of the stall closing it behind her before puking all the food in her stomach.

"June! It's me Aerum! Open up" Aerum banged on the door, June flushed the toilet before opening the door with shaking hands. Her forehead was beaded with sweat and she felt incredibly tired.

"Are you okay? What's wrong? tell me." Aerum pulled June out of the stall before burrowing some wet wipes from their classmates and helping June wipe her face. She held June's hand and cleaned her up, tying her hair back in position and loosened the strings of June's costume.

"I'm okay, just smelled some fish in the other class and got sick." June answered back tiredly when Aerum cupped her cheeks in concern.

Knowing June's fish allergy and her severe nausea whenever she smelt raw fish, Aerum understood what might have happened. She sighed in relief giving June water to help in the soothing of her throat. "You okay now right?"

June held up a thumbs up with a tired smile as they exited for graduation photographs. Her mind still stuck on that message and the action she was going to take regarding it.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑, 𝙎𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙞𝙨𝙩Where stories live. Discover now