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June had tears streaming out of her eyes as she walked down from the stage after giving her acceptance speech.

She had just won a daesang. A freaking Daesang, she couldn't believe that the trophy in her hand was the grand prize. She had won the award for best music video for her song Golden. June tried her best to swallow up her sobs as she made her way back to her seat.

Seventeen who had been sitting beside her cheered her on as she returned back, Hoshi gave her a quick hug congratulating her. June tried to say thank you but all she could manage through a tears was a jumbled up, "Tha-u"

As soon as the award ceremony ended Taehyun tried to escape the clutches of his staff to make way towards his girlfriend who had just won an award. He was smiling crazily due to happiness, Soobin took it upon himself to help him escape by making excuses on his behalf.

Taehyun ran through the waiting room hallways nearly bumping into itzy with hoards of flowers on the way, apologizing before running again. He had the usual lilies in his hand. It had become their thing now June herself was holding on to the bouquet of Daffodils to give to the boy as he had won an award himself.

June had let Dalmi know she'll be meeting some friends making her manager give her some privacy. She had gotten a text from Taehyun telling her to wait in her room as he'd be the one coming to her. She had been pacing in her waiting room, Daffodils in hand when Taehyun had barged in.

He had swiftly shut the door behind him before rushing towards June and enveloping her in a tight hug. June chuckled at his desperateness to be close, but had to distance themselves because of the bouquets.

"I brought you Daffodils!" June gushed while handing Taehyun the flowers and congratulating him on his award, she bragged about him saying she knew he was going to win since the start, making him chuckle.

"I knew you were going to win too." He handed her the lilies then and June took them with a confused face making him falter.

Had he done something wrong?

"Why do you always give me two bouquets?" June said while using her thumb to point behind her back, Taehyun's eyes fell on another extravagant bouquet of lilies sitting beautifully on the vanity, putting his simple bouquet to shame. His heart fell immediately.

"June i didn't give you those." It was the first time June heard Taehyun calling her anything except Sarang making her realise just how serious he was. She stared at him and then at the flowers.

"You didn't?"

Taehyun shook his head disagreeing, he made his way to the bouquet to see if there was any card inside. "I've always given you one with my name signed, why would I send you anonymous flowers?"

June felt sick at the moment, if it wasn't Taehyun gifting them to her then who was it? She tried to rack her brain for the time she told anyone about her favourite flowers.
"Taehyun...." June's hands shook at her realisation.

Taehyun turned towards his girlfriend watching her hands shake as she took short breaths. He knew about June struggling with panic attacks and PTSD after the incident during the concert, he had heard her talk to him about how difficult it had been for her. He wanted to do nothing more but shield her away from everything.

He rushed to June's side holding her hands and dragging her to the couch, he made her sit beside him before turning her to face him, "I never told anyone about my favourite flowers except you and my family."

Taehyun himself felt a little panicked at her confession. If nobody else knew then who was sending these flowers? He tried to contain his panic and horror wanting to provide comfort to June rather than worsening the situation.

"Sarang," he cupped her face making her sink to his side and clutch on his arms, she was so scared. "I'm here, nothing's going to happen okay? I'll keep you safe. Don't worry."

Taehyun pulled June to his chest letting the girl nuzzle her head on his shoulder while he hugged her waist and cradled her head.

He ran his hand through her hair to soothe her down but his mind was working on a high speed trying to figure just who might have gifted her those flowers.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑, 𝙎𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙞𝙨𝙩Where stories live. Discover now