𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐭

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The past few months had gone in a blur. All Sarang could remember was the adrenaline rush in her veins whenever Dalmi took her to a new shoot or project, she had never felt so exhilarated in the entirety of her life.

They had started working on her album in May, where Sarang had stayed up various nights trying to perfect her lyrics and melodies. She had showed up to school with huge dark eye bags concerning Seungmin who had helped her with all her assignments so she could focus better on her work. By June the music was fully composed with help from Pledis's newly debuted member Woozi who helped her produce the vision she had of her songs into reality. And then the excruciating process of choreography began.

By July the halls of Pledis had now been filled with many new faces, majority of the trainees were male but Sarang did spot a few girls here and there. Jinsu had left the company earlier and had now started preparing for her survival show which was to be called idol school. Sarang and her didn't get to talk much but always messaged each other atleast once.

Sarang had been introduced to the debuted group Seventeen and had instantly formed a bond with them. They were goofy and super friendly making her feel comfortable. While talking with member Hoshi, Sarang had come to realise that he was actually her far away cousin from her mother's side making them closer then ever. Vernon and Joshua had conversed with her English after finding out she's from Queens. Overall she had formed a great bond with her seniors.

Then came August, the album was done and so was the choreography and concept. The CEO had insisted to Sarang to choose a stage name, it had taken weeks and then finally brainstorming with Haknyeon that they decided to keep it simple with her English name. 2 weeks after telling her stage name to the staff, an article from Soompi about her debut was already out.

September and November just passed in shootings and fittings. The staff told her to enjoy as much time as she could with her friends and family before stepping into her new busy life. Sarang had taken a trip back to Jeju with her brothers to visit her parents who were crying from joy with their daughter getting to become a celebrity. Sunwoo had introduced her to his classmate, another 00liner that he made friends with in school.

Sarang had immediately connected with Jongho as they were both great vocalists and also the fact he knew most of her friends from Hanlim. The trio usually met up in the supermarket cafeteria at night and were found loudly laughing together most of the time.

Sarang had introduced Jongho to Haknyeon, making him whine to the boys about stealing his best friend but Sarang made sure to never let the older feel neglected.

Soon the three students were completely inseparable causing havoc and laughing everywhere they went.

Then came December, 1 day to go before her debut. Sarang couldn't sleep as she was a bundle full of nerves both from excitement and anxiety. She spent the night awake in her dorm with Dalmi playing uno and talking about anything and everything to keep herself calm.

2nd December 2016, the day began as usual, Dalmi woke her up at 5am, they ate breakfast together then got ready, but as soon as they stepped out of the dorm the reality came crashing down on them. Everywhere around them people were rushing setting up for her debut, she spotted a few stylists running around with racks of clothing. Hoshi, her friends, family and other Seventeen members congratulated her and wished her best of luck. Her family and friends were calling and wishing her well wishes.

All of it was so much to absorb that Sarang didn't know what to do or how to react. Dalmi had helped manoeuvre her through the building before making her sit in a black car. Sarang didn't know where they were headed, she was extremely overwhelmed and held Dalmi's hand the whole time. In a few minutes they reached their destination but Dalmi stopped her before they could leave.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑, 𝙎𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙞𝙨𝙩Where stories live. Discover now