double date (somehow??)

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We had arrived at the cafe, and we were greeted with the sight of many people enjoying their time here.
Me and Rui were waiting to be seated when a waitress came up to us.

"Um! We only have one table left, but you're going to share it with two others. Is that okay?"


"That's fine."

"Thank you, we don't know when our cafe suddenly grew so popular. Ah, right this way."

As we were being guided to the table, I could make out the basic features of the people we were sharing the table with. Both are wearing street-style clothes, and one has blue hair split into two different shades while the other has orange hair with a yellow streak. These definitions could only mean one thing...

"These are the ones you'll be sharing the table with. Don't worry. They've already agreed to share a table with you guys. My name is Noah, and I'll be your waitress today. Call me over when you're ready!"

"Thank you, ma'am!"

"...Well, now I'm kinda regretting agreeing."


"Ugh. Hey guys, what's up?"

"Toya, Akito, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Me either." (precisely the reason he chose the cafe, so he could avoid them)

"Hello, Tsukasa, Kamishiro. It's nice to see you guys."

"Nice to see you too."

"So, what brings you guys here?"

"We're on a date. We were gonna go to an arcade after this."

"Oh, we're so sorry! We're interrupting your date!"

"It's okay, really. None of us knew this would end up happening."

Me and Toya ordered crepes, Akito ordered some pancakes (ofc 😒), and Rui ordered bagels. When they asked for our drinks, Toya got coffee (he took it black), me and Akito got iced coffee, and Rui got a latte.

"So, how has school been for everyone?"

"Eh. It's tolerable as long as Toya's around."

"Is that so? I find school decent, but I always look forward to seeing you."


"Tsukasa, Kamishiro? How has school been for you guys?"

(both of them, at the same time)
"Amazing, especially with him- wha?!"

"Heh. Seems we all look forward to seeing our partners."

(after the food arrives bc i am so bad at small talk)

These crepes are so goddamn good.

anyways umm to the point now

"You guys are done already?"

"Yeah, you're a slow eater."

"We'll be on our way to the arcade now."

"Okay then, have a good time."


Akitoya has left the group chat.

"...can I try those crepes?"

"Hm? Sure. Mind if I get a taste of those bagels?"

"Not at all. Here you go."

"Hey, these are pretty good."

"Yeah, and the crepes are delicious. If there's a next time, I'm ordering these."

"Anything else you wanna do?"

"Hm. Let me think for a moment..."




"Arrived upon a decision ye-"

"Got it! Karaoke."

"Aw yeah! Let's go!"
*tsukasa starts scarfing down his food*

"Uh- calm down. It doesn't close until 8:30, y'know."

"That's so early, though."

"I know, but it is literally 4 pm. Don't die on me because you wanted to go to karaoke."

half a thousand words (counting all words, 600) anyways, have any of you heard 'The Kindest Grim Reaper In The World' by Kikuo? it's got a very calming feel to it. the first time i heard it i felt at the most ease i had ever been at for a while now.

i'd recommend to anyone who doesn't want to get a gory feeling when listening to miku songs, along with 'UFO,' also by Kikuo.
that's all, then. Bye!

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