A Genuine Smile

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guys i choked on my apple juice and now whenever i speak it sounds like two people are speaking 😰
also this one is short, so i tried to make the ending a bit better than i had originally planned 😁

Our date was at the same cafe where we had a double date with Akito and Toya. We didn't even plan it. I was thinking of what to order as me and Ruu walked to the cafe together. If we stopped talking, we would both look around. I noticed it and said so without looking at him. When I did, he also looked back at me as we both laughed.

When we reached the cafe, I decided to order some pancakes and apple juice. Hopefully, I don't choke on it. Ruu ordered crepes and water.
[Tsukasa, Rui]

"Oh? I didn't know you liked pancakes."
"Who doesn't? Akito just likes them a bit too much."
"You mean they're his favorite?"
"Sure. What about you? What's your favorite?"
(im cutting off the conversation here because i forgot both of their favorites 💀)
After we finished, we sort of started walking wherever. I think, at some point, our legs automatically took us to PXL, because that's where we ended up. We decided that since we were here, we should enjoy some time in the ever so familiar area. We went on rides, saw some performances. After a long day, we got some ice cream and sat down.

[Tsukasa, Rui]

"Today was really fun."
"Yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"Maybe you should plan dates more often."
"Aw, haha. No. We should take turns planning dates. It was honestly harder than I expected."
I rested my head on his shoulder.
"This place always looks the best when the sun starts to set."
I looked up at Ruu, and he was smiling.
Not the cat-like smile he always flashes.
It was a genuine smile. He was really happy.
And I loved that.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
And with that, I fell asleep.

ruikasa fanfic from my notesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora