Sleepover! (part two)

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We spent a lot of our energy on the games. At one point, we got so mad at Mario Kart that we said it was rigged, threw our controllers at the wall, started hitting the TV, and took turns trashing and bad mouthing the game. In all honesty, I think we were just bad at the game and didn't want to admit it. But, we were pretty good at Shine Thief! We were on the same team, and we were the only people who had ever taken the Shine in all the rounds. After we won, we started dancing, and laughed at each other. Then, we started making up random dances and laughing at those. Then, we spent the last of our energy on a big WONDERHOY! I know that's what Emu says, but it's fine if we do it on our own time too, no?

"Phew! I'm totally beat."
"Me too. *yawn* I'm getting kinda sleepy..."
"I guess we should go to bed, in that case."

We changed into our pajamas, and then Rui realized something.

"Oh dear."
"Rui? Is something *yawn* wrong?"
"Seems I've forgotten my sleeping bag."
"bro. how tf did you forget that. it's one of the most important things you have at a sleepover- hey what are you doing?!"
"Oh, right. *ahem* Can I sleep with you?"

Well, that caught me off guard. But, he can't sleep in the guest room. It's really cluttered and a few of the lights in there don't work. It's basically just been a storage room. It's pathetic how rare we have guests over. But, back to the situation at hand.

"Err, sure. Why not?"
"Thank you. :)"

My crush is in my bed with me. I repeat, my crush is in my bed with me! Aaah! I feel so happy but nervous at the same time! It's only sleeping, but I'M SLEEPING. WITH. RUI! This feels so unreal! Okay, maybe if I just close my eyes and relax everything will be okay...
Everything is just fine...
Just relax...

"Onii-chan! Mom got some of your favorite- omg..."
I stared at Saki for a bit until I realized... Saki saw Rui in my bed.
"Don't tell anyone-"
"I'm already texting the rest of Leo/need!"

Dang it. Well, I know her friends wouldn't tell anyone else. And if they did, they don't go to the same school as us! They go to Emu's school. But honestly, I'm still kinda tired. It's the weekend, so I decided to go back to sleep.

I woke up again but this time, Rui was also awake. He was on his phone, looking through his gallery. I saw a few pictures of me. Not many. They all seemed to be spread out as well. Maybe that was what flashed in the corner of my eye yesterday, his phone taking a picture of me! But, I lost focus again, and soon went back to sleep. A few minutes later, though, I was shaken awake by a seemingly concerned Rui.

"Tsukasa-kun. Tsukasa-kun."
"Mmmm... what?
"Look. Emu is sick. She has a really high fever, and she's not really able to handle it..."
"Oh no! Since Emu is sick, we should probably cancel practice today."
"Actually, we should get something for Emu! So that she can feel a bit better, and the fever might be a bit more tolerable."
"That's very nice of you, Tsukasa-kun! But, what do we give her?"
"Hm... well, is there anything that Emu doesn't like, so we don't accidentally make her day worse?"
"Actually, I'm pretty sure Nene told me that she doesn't dislike anything. But she does like Taiyaki a lot. Maybe we could get that for her!"
"How would Taiyaki help with a fever? I was thinking something like vegetable soup or-"
Rui was making a disgusted face. Probably because I mentioned vegetables.
"Oh, come on. Just because you don't like vegetables doesn't mean she hates them too! Besides, you said it yourself. She doesn't dislike anything. Which is actually kinda interesting..."
"Well, we can't sit here brainstorming all day now, can we? Otherwise, we won't be able to get Emu anything at all. Come on, let's get dressed and go find something in a random shop near us!"
"Did you hear how stupid that sentence was? Also, you're bringing money too."
"Hwaah? But I thought you had it covered! It was your idea afterall."
"Mhm, yeah, well, what if I run out of money? What would we do then?"
"I seriously don't think you're gonna blow all your money on one thing..."
"Oh my- just bring some damn money."
"Fine... f*** you."
"Woah, that was hot."
"Nothing! ^^"

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