Halloween! a.. aAaaAAAAA

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It's getting real close to Halloween! I had stayed up writing a script for a show. Benoftheweek was playing on my TV as I looked at the clock. 2:31 am. I really needed sleep, Ruu was affecting me. So, I got into bed and stared at the ceiling.
Okay, so I couldn't sleep. Bad. I got back up and went back to my desk to continue writing. As I wrote, I started wondering what Ruu could be doing at this time. He probably stayed up late like me, working on something. Maybe a new prop? Or costumes. Wait, didn't his friend make those for us? Or... yeah, he couldn't make an outfit to save his life. I remember I was leaving school, and he came up to me asking to sew his costume back together. He said he 'cut one too many holes'. I fixed it and we walked back home together. Now that I think about it, his friend is really good at making costumes. Wonder how they do it...

*alarm clock noises*
"Mmm... what time is it..?"
8:31 am.
13 minutes later

*i am a super star with a big big house and a big big car! i am a super star and i don't care who you are!*
"Uh... oh, ruu."
Tsukasa answers the call.

[Tsukasa, Rui]

"Hi. Never heard your morning voice before. Very cute."
"Thank you, but please get to the point. I'm tired..."
"Oh, did you forget? Our date is in 4 hours!"
I totally forgot.
"No, no, of course not! I just stayed up a bit later than usual is all."
"Okay, just wanted to make sure you knew. See you then! Bye, love you."
"Love you too!"
a.. aAaaAAAAA! I'M SO SCREWED OVER! I gotta get ready, fast!
~Tsukasa's morning routine (except it's rushed and he forgot the music)~
1. Shower
2. Brush teeth
3. Dress to impress (my bf)
Oh, but he said to dress casually?
3. Dress normally
4. Get a gift
[Tsukasa, Saki]
"Goodbye, Saki! I'll be back soon, and tell mom and Toya I went out for a bit!"
"Buhh.. huh?! Wait, big bro! Where are you going??!"
"Gift for Rui! Byee ☆"

What to buy, what to buy... well, what does he enjoy? Robots, smiles, our troupe, literally none of this is helping. Maybe I'll just get him some flowers from that flower shop Ichika still gets flowers for Saki from. It's basic, but it's the thought that counts. I got him common vervains, masterworts, and St. John's wort (the hypericum erectum species). I get back home and the first thing I do is flop on my bed. I feel so much better, but not for long. I look at my clock, only to see that the date is in... 27 minutes?! AGHH, WHAT IS THE DATE LOCATION. I scroll through our texts and see that he was gonna pick me up. Okay, so I can actually rest these next few minutes. I take the time to look at the stuff I had. I also looked over my outfit, fixed my hair. You know, what anyone else would do before a date?

nyways, I heard the doorbell ring not too long after. Is it Ruu? I go and see.
"Kasa-kun! Hello, ready for our date?"

619 words. Hi, I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. A lot has happened since the last update, so I think my upload schedule will be a lot more random now. A good estimate is probably any time between 2:36 pm to 6 or 7 pm. Anyways, that's all I had to say. Thank you for your patience and have a good day! Goodbye!

 Thank you for your patience and have a good day! Goodbye!

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