My Brand New Brother

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So, apparently Toya was asking to move in with me to get away from his father who has moved from verbally hurting Toya to physically assaulting him. I would've taken him in any day. Especially now, of all times. I hope he can recover from anything his father has done to him in our home. I also heard from Akito that I should probably try to keep my noise level down. I would, but Toya will have to endure my morning routine.

✨️Tsukasa's morning routine✨️

1. Shower while blasting IM GONNA BE A STAR, STAR-

2. Brush teeth while singing along to IM GONNA BE A STAR-

3. Get dressed while blasting and singing along to IM GONNA BE A-

4. Walk to school with WxS + Toya and Akito.

During the walk to school

[Tsukasa, Toya, Nene, Emu, Akito, Rui, Mizuki]

"Bye, Emu!"
"Bye-byee ☆ Love you!"
"Love you too."
"They're dating?"
"Mhm. By the way, Nene. Are you sure Rui said he was gonna be late-"
"Oh, you have a centipede on your shoe."
"AAAAAA- wait, when did you get here?? I thought you were gonna be late."
"Hehe. Like the phantom of the opera, I appear unexpectedly."
"Haven't you said that to me before?"
(what Nene is referring to)

""Haven't you said that to me before?"(what Nene is referring to)

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"Hello, Kamishiro-senpai- ah, Rui."
"Hello, Toya. I'm glad you're trying to get used to calling me by my first name."
"Hey, you guys!"
"Mizuki? You're ACTUALLY coming to school today?"
"Oh, come on! I come to school every now and then."
"Only to meet your attendance quota. Once you reach it, I bet you're not gonna appear at school at all."
"Hey, leave them alone."
"That's what Ena says everytime she starts talking about Mizuki! Never misses a chance to mention it."
"Really? Guess I'm gonna have to confront her about that on Nightcord."
"Ah... s***."
"Look at what you've done to yourself. You and your sister are gonna get into a cat fight."
"I know, I know..."


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"You have a sister?""Surprising information

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"You have a sister?"
"Surprising information."
"Yeah. She's my older sister and does a part-time nighttime course at Kamiyama."
"So that's why we've never met her, let alone heard of her?"
"Mhm, you wouldn't want to meet her though. She's really annoying."
"LIAR. She's not as annoying as you think. Sure, sometimes she isn't as compatible as people would hope for, but she's amazing even with her imperfections!"
"You're just saying that because you're in love with her, b****!"
"*gasp* Ena will know about this interaction. And I will make sure it's more dragged out than it needs to be."
"What the f*** was that?"
"I've just soaked up so much information from one singular argument. This is sort of intriguing."
"C'mon, you guys. We have to get to school despite that weird... altercation?"
"And what was that about cat fights?-"
"Don't act so excited considering your grades."


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"L, BOZO-"
"An's coming our way. I think she's coming over here to tell us to stop yelling on the teachers behalf."

During lunch break (at Kamiyama)

[Tsukasa, Rui, Toya, Akito, Nene]

"Oh, Tsukasa-senpai. Would you like to have lunch with me and Akito? You could bring Ka... Rui-senpai along as well."
"Oh, I already promised to have lunch with some other people I know. Sorry!"
"It's fine, I-"
"Oi, Toya. You ready to go?"
"Yeah. Bye."
"Bye, Toya."
"I brought Nene, just as you asked."
"Ready to leave for SEKAI?"
"Yup. Have you told Emu?"
"Uh-huh. I almost got caught by a hall monitor, though, so you're doing it next time."
*fwoosh, bright lights and stuff*
656 words. Sorry this was short as well, I have school tomorrow! Emu's side will be shown in next time's story update!

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