A Day With His Family

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Rui's pov (aha, been a while since we last saw his view of things, huh?):

Tsukasa had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I carried him to his house, and knocked on the door. Which, might I add, already had a Christmas wreath on it...

[Rui, Saki]

"Who's there?"
Saki opens the door.
"Eh?! This is adorable! And clichéd. But adorable!"
"Ahaha... he fell asleep on my shoulder, so I decided to bring him here."
"Well, why don't you come in? You can stay the night, if you'd like. You are my brother's boyfriend!"
"If you're offering. And, sorry for the intrusion."
"No worries! We've all been wondering when you were gonna come over again."
"I made the atmosphere awkward, didn't I?"
"Oookay. You know where his bedroom is?"
"Alrighty then! Enjoy your stay, also my mom is making dinner right now. It should be ready in a bit. Could you wake Tsukasa when we call for you gays- I mean, guys?"
She really thought she was slick with that one.

I carried Tsu to his room and lay him on his bed. I sat down at his desk and looked up at his roof. He had a lot of star stickers.
Were they to remind him of his dream to become a star? Or maybe because Saki is in Leo/need. The slash in their band name is a shooting star, isn't it?
I sat there, staring for a bit, then decided to actually do something. What was that something?

No idea. I was walking around, looking at books. Then I remembered:
Toya moved in with the Tenmas. I should go talk to him. And so, I walked to his room and knocked on the door.

[Rui, Toya, Saki]

Toya answers the door.
"Oh, hello Rui."
"Hello. Mind if I come in?"
"Not at all."
Rui sits down on Toya's bed.
"How has it been, living with the Tenmas?"
"It's been pretty good. I like it. Just, sometimes, Tsukasa stays up later than he needs to practicing for shows."
"Does he? I should remind him not to."
"Other than that, I really like living here. Nobody's pressuring me to do anything I don't want to. They let me take anything at my own pace."
"That's the kindness of their family for you!"
"Mhm. What about you? How have you been?"
"Really good, actually. Those ambassador shows went really well, my grades are even higher now, and Kasa-kun makes every bit of my day better."
"It's like that with me and Aki, too. Except, he coasts along the passing grade and doesn't even try to get his grades up."
"Ahaha. Well, everybody's different, right?"
"Dinnertime, you guys! Come on down and eat, before your food gets cold!"
"Oh, I should go and wake Tsu now. It was nice talking with you."
"Same here. See you at the dinner table."
"See you."
Rui walks back to Tsukasa's room, and wakes him up.
"Come on, it's dinnertime! This is your own house!"

omg you guys i wrote this in one night! like, i don't even know why! anyways it's almost 12 am and i was out for the majority of the day because pearl harbor and arizona memorial. im sleep deprived as hell and have seen the movie theater 3 times this week. i need to get good sleep and that is starting now. goodnight...
also, happy birthday kel :)

also, happy birthday kel :)

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