The real story

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Alaric forced Gwen to come down the the old Lockwood cellar

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Alaric forced Gwen to come down the the old Lockwood cellar. It was almost like a cave. Alaric looked at Gwen who was pointing her flashlight "be careful where you point that thing. Bats hate the light"

"What ?" Gwen said in a frightened tone

"Gwen" Damon whispered

She screamed "Damon you asshole" she shoved him. "Wait so you can't get past ?"


Gwen looked around to see little sketches on the walls. She looked at all of the drawings "so who's story is this"

Alaric pointed at the names "Klaus. Elijah. Rebekah"

"The original family" Gwen looked around "what's the last name"


"The vampire hunter" Gwen sighed "Ronnie might know of him more then we do"

Damon shook his head "I wouldn't rely on her right now. She's going through a breakdown".


The three went back to Alaric's house. Damon was training with Gwen. "If I stab you will you be mad ?" Gwen asked holding her knife

"Give it your best shot" Damon smiled

She swung at him as he grabbed her wrist pulling her towards him. He pretended to bite her. Gwen dropped the knife into her other hand stabbing him.

"Aha!" Gwen jumped up "got you" she smiled as he pulled the knife out "Ric have you got anymore files ?"

"Of what ?"

"I wanna read more about this Alice Chambers. She sorta just disappeared"

"Journals from other relatives of Alice if that helps" he pointed at the draw.

"Journals from other relatives of Alice if that helps" he pointed at the draw

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Alice was walking around town when she went down an alleyway. She looked around before standing still "Katerina!"

Katherine finally appeared "thank god you're here" she hugged Alice "thank you so much Alice. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't give me shelter"

"Well I can't help but think you're rather stupid. You didn't have to turn" Alice raised her eyebrows "Trevor and Rose are gonna be hunted"

"Better them die then I" Katherine shook her head "he wants to drain every drop of blood out of my body. Alice you said you'd stop him"

"And I did" Alice titled her head "now I suggest you get out of here"

"I'll never be able to repay you!" Katherine hugged her "I'm forever in your debt Alice"

"Go" Alice shook her head.

As soon as Alice turned she felt a sharp pain shoot through her stomach. When she looked up to see Klaus "why ?" She whispered as Klaus lowered her to the floor

"You've got in my way" Klaus whispered tucking Alice's hair behind her ears "I love you Alice. I'm doing this for you. Love is a weakness"

She took her last breath as her hand fell to the floor. Elijah and Rebekah were running towards them "what happened!" Elijah yelled "Alice" he ran towards them "who did this to her ?"

"I have no clue" Klaus held the girl in his arms "i think Katerina. I just found her like this" he saw Rebekah. She was sobbing.


Gwen walked into the Salvatore house. She saw Rebekah sitting there. Everyone voted on her telling her the news about Klaus.

"Hi" she smiled slightly "I know we didn't get off on the right foot"

"No we did not" Rebekah crossed her arms "Damon isn't here"

"Im here to talk to you. I've heard your story" Gwen frowned "and I'm sorry for what your father did to you"

Rebekah nodded "thanks"

"I was voted on coming here to talk to you" Gwen played with her fingers "apparently I'm more blunt"

"Something we have in common"

"Klaus isn't as great as you think by the way" Gwen passed her the journal she had been reading "that's Alice's journal. Read it later. Klaus killed Alice"

"What ?"

"She was too smart for him" Gwen pointed out "she was getting in his way I'm guessing" Gwen puffed out her chest "he lied to you and Elijah. Also the story about your mother"

"Mikeal killed her"

Gwen gave her a saddened look "no. It wasn't him" she shook her head "Klaus did it. Im so sorry"


"Rebekah" Gwen took a closer step

"Why are you doing this to me ?" Rebekah looked up at her with tears in her eyes "I've done nothing to you!"

"Because you deserve the truth" Gwen took another step closer

Rebekah pinned Gwen against a wall "stop taking. You know nothing!"

"Im sorry" Gwen grabbed Rebekah's hand "I lost my mother at a young age too. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy"

Rebekah let go crying. She fell to the floor. Gwen leaned down comforting the girl. Rebekah looked up surprised she stayed with her.

"Why are you being so nice to me ?" Rebekah said as Gwen comforted her "I just pinned you up against the wall"

"Believe me I've had worse" Gwen said making the girl laugh "believe me when I say I think you deserve better. Just know you have a mate around here"


Gwen was getting ready for bed. She walked in to see Damon laying on her bed "I don't want to talk to you" she looked at him angrily "you let Stefan out"

"Well we got Mikeal" Damon stated "Katherine came through. The plans in motion. See I told you I had it. Go on kick yell scream I'm sure you've had many ways to yell at me all day"

"I'm not gonna yell" She said getting into her bed

"I freed Stefan. He's an even bigger dick then ever" Damon complained "but he's a dick on our side"

"I'm not mad. I'm tired" she got under covers "I just wanna sleep... I think Elena and me got Rebekah on our side too" Gwen squinted "she appears to be quite fond of me"

"Oh really ? What'd you two learn from her ?"

"She's a girl. Who had lost her mum too young and she loves blindly even if it's wrong" she looked at Damon "I think I understand where she's coming from" she turned "nothing is more important then family"

Damon turned to her "you should tell that to my brother"

She laughed lightly "I'm not mad at you Damon" she turned the light off "I think you're gonna be the one to save him. It'll be because he loves you" she closed her eyes "I'll tell you the rest tomorrow"

"Yeah" Damon stared at the girl.

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