Untitled Part 30

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I was final able to open my eyes and I couldn't believe the sight. I was surrounded by injured and dead bodies. The smell of blood filled the air and the room, well it looked like a war scene. I chocked out a breath, the first one I drew in who knows how long... After the breath came the expected tears. I had been dead. My daughter had had no mother. Fred had been widowed... dad had out lived his daughter...

It was awhile before I had the strength to sit up. Sobs filled the room... and once I stood up I saw where they were coming from. On the opposite side of the room the Weasley's stood crying over a body. There was only one twin standing crying... Percy was missing to, but I noticed him crying a few bodies... gosh I hate that sentence, a few people over... he was crying over the body of Samantha Weasley, his wife and my sister... I was glad he had come back... but not glad that he had come back for this.

I turned around and cried harder if possible. The dead bodies of my uncle and his new wife were not far away. That is when I was noticed. My father looked up from his best friend, his brother in laws body. His eyes were wide and he ran and pulled me into his arms. It was only a few moments until I was swarmed.

"Rosanna!" Isabella cried pulling me into her arms. She was shaking with tears and I tried to get out of the group surrounding me. I needed to know who the dead twin was. I needed to know if Fred was okay. I needed space... I needed to breath. It was impossible to do when I had so many people around me.

When I was finally free I threw myself towards the body. There was one thing that showed who it was above anything else. This twin... had two ears.

It was at that moment when I understood what heart break was. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and someone stomped on it. It felt as if I had died a million times. I couldn't breath. I couldn't think. I was broken. I was an empty shell. Someone tried to grab my shoulder... to hold me back but I fell to my knees by his body.

"Fred..." I whispered, I brushed my hand through his hair to get a better view of his face. It was exactly how I felt. It looked ten years older then he really was... it had tear stains on it... I chocked on my sobs, "Of Fred... I... I remember the day we first kissed... I... I called you all these awful things... and... and you still liked me..." I cried.

I gently placed my hand on his temple thinking of that day. I had imagined a future where me and him grew old... where I would make fun of his greying hair... where he would hold me on the night of our fiftieth wedding anniversary and we would simply dance to a slow song... he twirling me and I laughing an aged laugh...

I would never get that. He would never get that.

"Annie..." Dad whispered trying to grab me, I shock him off. "Annie we have to go... the battle is still going on..."

That was true, once again curses were flying around me. I was dragged away from my husband and something inside me suddenly clicked. "Stop." I whispered.

Why? Because someone I had been waiting my whole life to see had just stepped through the doors.

My mother.

Waking Up (Sequel to Helpless Dreams)Where stories live. Discover now