Your Just a Liar Bear Darling in MY Love Story!

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So imagine this. I'm snogging Fred and then Lia comes in pushes me off him and he begins to snog him. He tries to get away from her but a bunch of slimy arms come out of her side and she begins to suck his blood while she snogs him and he throws up in her mouth. She then grins and all of a sudden she is a huge spider cross species and this freak monster, sorry, half breed, is snogging my boy friend to death. All that is left of her human appearance is her hair. But it looks dead. Then Lia turns into Justin Beiber. Then a bear wearing a skirt. Lie is constantly changing appearances until Fred is dead and she looks at me.

"That's for calling me Lia bitch."

That's when I woke up. I began to laugh madly, waking up Ginny, Lia and Hermione. Their faces turned into owls who wouldn't shut up.

I woke up for real this time and still laughed madly. Ginevra, yes I am still call ping her that, threw a shoe at me. A shoe. It was pink. Where did she get a pink shoe? From a toad or something? I bet she did. She totally got that shoe from a toad who loves pink. Probably with a really stupid name... Like Dolores Umbridge. Ha! I'd call her toad face. The pink toad faced woman. I bet she loves cats as well. And frilly girly things.

"Why are you muttering pink toad?" Hermione asked me, I narrowed my eyes at her.

"You'd just love to know wouldn't you! You'll never get me alive copper!" I yelled before I ran down the stairs banging on each step before I guzzled all the coffee. Ha! It sucks to be the boys. I then ran to Fred's room and began to make out with him, and as Lia walked by, a sleep Fred grinning I yelled, "ONLY I KISS FRED YOU LIA BEAR!" I screamed, she gave me a weird look and my screaming woke up George, I shrugged and began to kiss Fred again, George threw up in the garbage bag and then went to brush his teeth. I bet he's going to go snog Lia. I hate Lia.

I got off Fred and went to go eat food because it'd yummy. I heard yelling from upstairs, I'm guessing Herman woke up Ronald and Harold. I think Harry can read my mind because next thing I know he says...

"Don't call me Harold." Wow. He's magical. "I didn't read your mind Rose, you said that out loud." I give him the sneak eyes and run out of the room to stare in a mirror. I wonder what Fred would do if I died my hair. I think I'm having to much fun as a blond. I should become a red head. Then I can blend in with the Weasley's. It would be like camouflage. Hehe. I'm dying my hair red, it is decided.

"Anna! Come on we gotta go!" Arthur yelled, I ran out of the bathroom like a wild cat. Fred then gave me a piggy back because he's a nice boyfriend and not because I forced him to or anything. I forced him to, and sort of bribed him. I told him that I might accidentally "mix" him and George up on day. I couldn't do that though, George has a scar on his arm from a time I bite him. He tried to steal my chocolate. I wonder if chocolate addictions run in my family. I hope my uncle mets someone to... Maybe he can get over his chocolate addiction.

My life is so repetitive. I wonder if I asked George would he buy me some chocolate. I would promise to never bite him again and everything.

"George..." I started, I think he can read my mind to.

"I'm not buying you chocolate and I can't read your mind your just saying everything out loud." He told me, I'm so going to bite him later. "No you aren't." He's a git. "No I'm not." I hate you! "Love you to." Ew. I'm dating his brother, "or are you..." What? "What?" Voldemort! "Ahhh!" I win. And Lia is a biscuit eating dog so ha!

So we continued our walk and I made sure I thought things in my head very quitly, then poof! A cute guy fell out of a tree... Or did he jump? It doesn't matter. I'm sure he'll just end up a sparkling vampire doosh. So ha to him I got a cute Weasley twin!

"Amos!" Mr Weasley suddenly yelled giving this 'Amos' man a man hug, "And this strapping young man must be Cedric!" He chortled, I guess the cute sparkly guys name is Cedric. He looks more like an Edward to me. I think I'll just call him Ed because I dislike his name. It doesn't suit him.

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