Seventh Year Awakens

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Third P.O.V

        "Fred," George said, "It's not right."

        His twin had probably heard this sentence a thousand times since Rosanna had fallen into the coma. They sat in the hospital wing, she laid there her head resting against the pillow and her legs now fully healed, they thought they had cured her a year ago, but it has been two years and if she didn't awake with in the next month they would give up. It was a hard thing to do, but there was something wrong with her... or else she would've waken up by now, wouldn't she?

        "George I was going to break up with her and now she is on her death bed. I think it is fine." Fred said, he was going to have a date again, with another girl, again, George highly disapproved of this and had forgiven her long ago, when they found out it had been Money, who was actually Amelia Crouch, daughter of Barty Crouch Jr, she was sent to Azkaban. It was harsh but it was her fate.

        "I don't approve of it and when she wakes up..." George started, Fred laughed.

        "She's not waking up!" He yellled, "Don't you get it! She's dead! She's going to die! We need to forget about her and move on!" The brother yelled, George was shaking with anger towards his twin.

        "Your a git!" he screamed, "She loves you and she doesn't have a clue about what's happening around her! If she does I want to make sure her time left, if... if... if she does pass... I want her time left perfect. She deserves it." George said, Fred looked broken. "If you don't love her anymore..."

        "George... that's the thing... I love her so much... that's the girl I want to mother my children, to be with forever and she's dying... and I can't do anything about it. I'm losing her." Fred said suddenly breaking out with tears, "all... all those times I said I was seeing..." He said the next word as if it burned his tongue, "other girls. It's only ever been her."

        "Show her Freddie." The brother said, it wasn't much more until Fred placed his lips in hers, and for the first time in two years, Rosanna Black's eyes opened.

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