Starting a New Life but Never Forgetting the Old One

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I woke up rethinking the vision I had the night before. Everything about this vision was clearer, it was as if I had actually had been there and not just witnessed it miles away. Fred was still fast asleep, and I was still thinking about last nights vision. I kicked Fred's side. He didn't wake up, although I had that vision last night, and if I ever had a vision like that before I would have not slept a wink... And now I slept like a baby, and it was because of my teddy bear Fred. I kissed his lips softly waking him up.

"Good morning Fred." I whispered, he smiled, "come on wake up, I wanna go to a grave yard." I said, he sprang out of bed. I giggled.

"Anna, why are we going to a graveyard?" He asked me suddenly, I laughed again. "I mean, if you really want to..."

"I wanna go alone actually." I told him, "But I will be back soon." I told him before I got out of bed and changed, Fred looked highly surprised.

"Anna, is this..."

"I gotta do this Fred."

"You just got out of the hospital..."

"I will be back later. Goodbye fred." I said before storming out of the flat, and with a bang I arrived at the grave yard. The one I saw in my vision... And she was just leaving.

She was walking slowly, her brown hair flying behind her, she must have died it so people would not recognize her, but with it this colour I thought she looked more like uncle Remus then she had before. "Alexandra." I said, she turned and around and waved before she apparated. I screamed in frustration, I was so close... If Fred hadn't been so worried about me going alone then I might have been able to talk to my mother.

I sat by the head stone she sat by, Lyall Lupin. I smiled and brushed my hand against it the way my mother did, but someone happened... A voice spoke from behind me.

"Alexandra?" He asked, I shock my head in shock. There was the ghost of my grandfather, a man I never knew but heard some about from my uncle Remus. "Then you must be her daughter."

"Rosanna, Rosanna Black." I told him, "I'm the middle daughter."

I ran my hand through my blonde curly hair, I felt his cold ghostly eyes studying my own, which were a blue grey colour depending on the day, the light and the weather. He came closer forwards to me and glided around me, it was slow and cold and my hair stood on end but it was also to the closest I had ever been to my grandfather.

"It's a pleasure to met you Rose, I presume you know who I am, but it would be considered impolite if I were not to introduce myself in a proper manor." He was a very polite man, even as a ghost I guess he positioned himself in a very straight stance and glided around with extraordinary manor. "I am Lyall Lupin, your grandfather." He told me, "But you may call me what ever you wish child."

"It is a pleasure to met you grandfather, I am very sorry to disturb your peaceful rest." I said giving him a slight nod, I heard the sound of my hair moving, but when he returned the nod there was no sound at all and no evidence his grey ghostly hair had moved at all.

"Ah, peace would be a wonderful thing Rose, but I am unable to find peace yet, the day is coming near, I assure you. There is still a time though, where I must watch over my son. He still, even as a grown adult needs his father." My grandfather told me, he had spun around and was looking to an old house off in the distance, one I barely recognized... I had only seen it in visions myself. It was uncle Remus's old house, as a child, I guess it is my mothers house as well... But that was where he was changed.

"Even, after all this time Rose, I consider it home. Even after everything that happened there... This village is where I met Hope. I saved her from a bogart, although we both know it could have caused no harm towards her. You look a lot like Hope, well, your mother looks alot like her as well... I'm sorry I'm blabbering. What have you come here for Rose?"

I gave him a warm smile before I looked down at my stomach. "Is it true... Am I..."

"It is called a magic beyond what I know. But it is a child, most likely loved beyond words, none the less. Yes. You are pregnant Rosanna. You will be a mother."

Waking Up (Sequel to Helpless Dreams)Where stories live. Discover now