My Knowlege Apparently Includes Cooking Food

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So as soon as Fred woke up and finished proposing to me I made supper. It was pretty good seeing I had never once before cooked. I think if Mrs. Weasley heard that she would have a heart attack. I'm not going to tell her though, I like her to much for her to die. While I cooked Fred cleaned and like sent a patronus to everyone to come over. I think I am literally feeding an army, because most of the order is coming. But not Mudungus. I told Fred if he invited him he won't get food, maybe dog food, but not human food. I really don't like that guy. I have a feeling he went through my dads place. He's a jerk. I should sue him for theft seeing as that stuff is my dads and he's not actually dead but stuck. I still don't really know what that means.

About twenty minutes after the patronus were sent out everyone got here. Molly gave me a hug and a plant. I think it was supposed to be a nice gesture but the plant looked really funny. I smiled anyway and put it on the the window ledge thing. Fred wrapped his arms around me and I preyed one of the twins contraptions wouldn't suddenly exploded downstairs and kill us all. I don't think I want to raise my kids in this flat, especially with my fiancé's, I really like calling Fred that, twin brother who looks exactly like my fiancé.

Mrs Weasley practically took over in the kitchen when she got here so I sat on the couch and watched Fred try to tie a tie. It was funny because Mrs. Weasley came straight away after the patronus, probably to help with food, so me and Fred weren't even ready yet. My hair was in a towel and I was in my pyjamas. I should probably change, but you know... Effort. Plus, it was very amusing to watch Fred fail. Eventually he got it though and that's when he dragged me off to our room so I could change, and isn't he nice? He even picked out a nice red dress that has thick straps and falls about three inches about my knees out for me. So nice. A hint of sarcasm there if you didn't get it? I added another four inches to the dress magically and then did my hair so it fell neatly in its blonde ringlets.

I apparently was ready just in time to give my uncle a hug at the door. He came with tonks... Who was wearing an engagement ring! We squealed like school girls, me and tonks not my and my uncle and she told me all about how he had proposed. The wedding would be like in a week, only family was invited, and by family they meant me, Sam, Isabella, Andromeda and Ted. This would be fun. I seriously mean that, because, well Tonks has to get her awesomeness from one of them right? She is a little weird to as well though. She said I couldn't come to her wedding if I had a head cold. Which sort of makes sense at the same time. She doesn't want me sneezing while she is saying he vows. I should make the same request for my wedding.

Soon everyone was there and the flat was really loud and annoying. I almost punched Ron for stealing my cupcake but I didn't because Mrs Weasley said she would give me a time out if I did. Ron got one for stealing the cupcake and calling Fred a pig pimple. I wouldn't dare ever call someone that... Because you know it's mean!... Anyway, soon everyone was sitting down and I started to hit my glass with my knife or something like they do in the movies. Apparently they tap it lightly. I had to get a new cup from the cupboard. It had a lolly pop on the side. I don't know when we got it or why but I was stuck with the kids cup. I switched it with Ginny. I also let her have a glass of fire whiskey. I hope she likes me more then Fleur. Who am I kidding! She likes me more then Fred.

"Okay, so me and Rosanna have an announcement." Fred told them, he was like grinning ear to ear. He sort of reminded me of the joker from bat man, it scared me a little. His eyes were like really wide to. Mrs Weasley actually looked at him as if he had grown a third head. I think he might of because that face, well it's terrifying. I won't be able to sleep anytime soon. So thank you Fred. "We are getting married!" He yelled practically, I threw my hands over my ears and hit his across the head for talking to loud. "She's also pregnant."

Everyone cheered and I was grumpy because that was my line. I guess he saw when I was making faces behind him while he was talking, it wasn't that subtle. Mrs. Weasley pulled me into a bone crushing hug and from the corner of my eye I saw someone watching me from the window. They disappeared just as quickly as I saw them. I could take a good guess about who it was though. My mother.

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