The New Biscuit Eating Dog... Girl

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        The moment I saw her I hated her. She was dating George, who obviously didn't see how she treated everyone else... and oh joy I am spending my time at the world cup with her. Whoop whoop. Ginevra, as I have started to call Ginny to anger her, hates her as well. I think everyone but George does. I'm serious when I say everyone. Even Mrs. Weasley. I think she loves everyone. Her name, is Money. Money. Her name is Money and she is rich, well her full name is Money Iza Rich. I think its a fake name. Money-iz-a-rich. I'm just going to call her Lia. Like Liar. Silent r sound.

        She got here this morning and Goerge is all goo-goo over her and I'm all like 'why have I never met her before!'. No one has yet answered my question. I got mad so I left the breakfast table after saying a quick 'see ya latta lia'. I then went into Ginny's room and pulled out my stuffed Llama toy. I seem so mature right now. I didn't even throw my porridge at her. But that would have been funny... you know Lia sort of reminds me of Goldie locks from the muggle story. I will now call her Lia Bear.

        About five minutes after I came up to Ginevra's room, I forgot I was calling her that before, Fred came in and asked if I wanted to come get Harry with them. I was of coarse all cool and said 'That's chill'... Who am I kidding. I had coffee this morning so I yelled...

        "Yes! Lia is trying to steal my llama! Your all working against me! Let us go rule the magical world of Narnia!" I then jumped on Fred's back and yelled, "Advance my Noble steed!"

        Fred dropped me and walked down the stairs, I grinned and with a bang I was in front of Harry's uncle and aunts house. Imagine their faces if I had magically appeared in their living room. Deciding that would be more fun with another bang I was sitting on their couch. His uncle had a really bushy mustache and a purple face. He looked like a raisin except fatter. So a grape-raisin. I waved at him friendly and Harry ran down the stairs just as I reached the bottom.

        "Ann! Where are the Weasley's?" He asked, I fake glared at the name. Harry gave me an odd look.

        "Those traitors! Fred refused to come to Narnia with me and dropped me while I was on his back. He is the worst Nobel steed in history." I said over dramatically, "And I just know Ginevra is planning on stealing my llama!" I yelled, I gasped. "I left her alone with it!" I said my eyes widening, I grabbed Harry's hand with one hand and his trunk with the other and in a quick bang we were gone. We were right in front of the Weasley's who looked like they were about to leave, I ran up the stairs yelling "Ginevra you better not be touching my llama! Get out of my way Lia Bear!"

        From behind me I heard Harry suddenly ask, "Did she have coffee?"

        "And pudding." Someone replied, but I was already charging fort Ginevra. She and Hermione were both on their beds/cots reading books.

        "Prince Potter is here." I said over dramatically, they both ran out of the room and I created a barricade. It took three hours and a letter to my uncle for me to come out. Over all I love the effects of sugar and caffeine on my brain. I should really drink coffee and eat pudding more often. Maybe in the future I can make a pudding friend who believes in all sorts of creatures!


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