Wedding Bells Are Ringing

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So I stood in a bridal shop. Mrs Weasley was crying as I stood in a really ugly poofy dress with short sleeves that were more like little a little pillow case on my arm. I shock my head. "No. No no no no no no no no no no no. This is not my dress." It was several more dresses before I found the one. It had these cute sleeves, and it was flowy. I began to cry when I saw myself in it. Sam stood up and wrapped her arms around me, she was crying as well. I turned around in it once more after my sister let go. "This is it."

So it took forever to buy my dress. Not because there was a line or anything. Because everyone wanted to pay for it. This is something I used my dads money for. I knew he would have wanted me to.

So we left the dress shop and I looked over and smiled. There stood WWW in its prime. The only shop that was possibly that bright around here. A lot of people had left diagon alley... I don't blame them. I have finally convinced Fred to move out of the shop. We bought a nice house in the middle of nowhere. So its exactly over the hill from the Burrow. We built it there and I can imagine raising my daughter there. Yes I am sure its a girl.

I have this feeling when I think about her. I am unsure whether it is just part of my power or what... but I just know. I can already picture her. Soft curly red hair... freckles... pale skin... blue eyes... I know she will be beautiful. Fred tells me that she will be constantly. I always joke that she wont but I know that she will. Mrs Weasley is planning a baby shower for me, I don't know how I can ever thank her... She has already done so much for me and Fred. She has also welcomed me into the family, well that happened years ago when I was in my first year and had no where to go. She let me stay there. That was a life time ago.

We walked done the empty street and I felt just about as safe as anyone felt these days. Yes we all had wands but the death eaters, if they were to show up, had them as well. Mr Weasley and my uncle had accompanied the trek of girls. There was me of coarse, my brides maids, Sam, Isabella, Ginny, Fleur and Hermione, Molly (I am suposed to call her that now), my uncle (who was going to walk me down the asile and insisted on paying for part of the dress), Tonks, who as my uncles fiance will be apart of the bridale party as well, and Mr Weasley. In total there were ten of us, it felt like a real family outing, but it didn't stop me from wishing that my mum and dad were there.

We apparated once we got into a back alley and ended up back at the Burrow. I took my dress striaght up to Ginny's room where it would be kept until I took it to my uncles house. There Tonks would take care of it and I would take care of her gown until tomorrow. Yes my uncle was getting married tomorrow and I, along with my sisters, got to go. I was beyond excited. I had never had an aunt before, not that I really concidered Tonks one, she was more of a best friend. Maybe she should be a bridesmaid.

I sat on the floor in the living room and looked down at my small bump. I poked it and I heard a familiar chuckle. I smiled and continued to look at my bump. "You aren't suposed to be home until tonight." I said grinning, they chuckled again. "You can laugh all you want you don't have a tiny person inside of you."

"I have to admitt I don't." Fred said sitting down next to me and held my hand kissing it. "You got a dress?" He asked, I giggled and nodded. "I got my dress robes."

I stood up and walked into the kitchen where Mrs. Weasley was making dinner. I began to help her and I wounldn't let her stop me. It got a little annoying so finally I turned to her and said, "Molly, think, soon I will be having my own baby and have little to no experience cooking, think about it... your helping me and her."

Everyone knew that I thought it was a girl. Molly said she got the same feeling before she had Ginny. She knew it was a girl. After I told Molly that she showed me how to make the type of chicken she was making and I had a ball doing so. In the end I was somehow covered in flower and Molly had ketchup all over her front. We couldn't help but laugh. By the time Arthur came home from work, which he went to after we got back from dress shopping, we had cleaned up the kitchen and had dinner on the table.

After dinner me and Fred walked home. He held my hand and together our arms swung back and forth. Something I had seen my mother and father do in visions, except me or Sam was always inbetween. It was probably one of the fondest things I can remember, or have seen, of my youth. I grinned as I saw our house. It was your average house on the outside. Two floors with a basement and covers on the windows.

I walked into the house with Fred and I smiled. It smelt like what home should smell like, or what I pictured home smelling like. I smelt the fresh the flowers on the side table by the entrance door. I smelt the faint smell of soap, from the bathroom in which I had cleaned the night before. From in the kitchen I smelt cookies and in the living room fresh pine. Our air freshener.

I walked into the dinning room before dropping my purse on the table and moving the rest of the way into the living room where I colapsed onto the couch. Fred sat down next to me and I gently rested my head on his chest. I felt tired and I just wanted the war to end. But it was no where near over yet.

Waking Up (Sequel to Helpless Dreams)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant