The Wedding

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There of coarse was a final panic before the wedding.

Who would take care of Hope?

There were others as well, but only one huge one that I think everyone but me was thinking. It was twenty minutes before the wedding. We were all having a quick bite when I got Ginny to go get her dad and my uncle. She ran off and I sat broadly in her room awaiting her return. When they did get back I smiled at them and gestured for them to sit while I shooed Ginevra, yes I am back to that, away.

        "I know there is one thing that everyone but me in concerned about, and to put it just out there, no sugar coating it or anything... My father died a little more then a year ago. In traditional a bride has her father walk her down the isle to give her away, and you to, as you may know or are about to, are the closet things I have in this world to fathers." I told them, it was a very formal thing I was doing, even in my gown, which was quite stunning, I was acting all serious. "I would like you Remus to give me away, I think it would mean more if my uncle, the brother, the twin brother of my mother, he is also the one who took me in after my third year, I know you Arthur had me before and before that I thought I was a Malfoy, but I am already apart of your family even if I am joining it again and to me it would make no sence to me if you were to give me away, but for Remus, well it is like I am giving away that part of my childhood were I was always searching. Searching for answers, for love, for my parents, for my sisters, and then you were my rock, it is like now you are giving me to a new rock." I said brushing off some tears quickly.l

        "I would be honoured Rosanna." My uncle said pulling me into a hug, he brushed away another tear and gave him a smile. I then gave Arthur a hug as well.

        "Thank you for considering me. You have always been a daughter to me in someways, but now you really be my daughter." He said, I gave him a warm smile.

        "I want both of you to speak of coarse, I mean you already are, but I want you to." I told them, I was pulled into a group hug before the door was opened.

        "It's time." Ginny said I pulled away from them and brushed off my dress.


I sat in the kitchen starring out the window every now and then smiled as I saw Fred standing at the end of the isle. He couldn't see me, the curtain was pulled close and I only opened it to look out a peak.

        George and Sam began to walk down the stairs. Sam ware a red dress that was tight and it looked good on all my brides maids. She held Hope in her arms and threw flowers, red rose peddles to be exact, which I found sort of funny. I smiled as I saw them walk down the isle, I could tell Sam was trying not to murder George, which was funny and most brides would freak but I remained calm.

        Next down the stairs was Fleur and Bill, they looked in love I sent them a glare as I didn't want all attention on her. She is part veela.

        Then came down Harry and Ginny, of coarse Harry was under polyjuice potion, he looked like some person from the village but oh well, he was ginger and could pass off as Fred's cousin. It didn't help that he and Ginny were sharing looks.

        Then came Charlie and Isabella. There was a large age difference but whatever. Isabella sent me a smile before she went out the door like the rest did. Everyone in the seats remained seating. Probably wondering when in the world would I be coming down the isle.

        Then down the stairs came Ron and Hermione. I knew they would be getting together soon, they each sent me a smile and I stood up from the kitchen table and grabbed my uncle arm.

        "Promise you wont let me fall?" I asked, he smiled and kissed forehead.

        "Your mother asked me the same thing on her wedding day."

He opened the door and we began our walk. Everyone was standing and every eye was on me. For a second I could have sworn I saw my mother, and I wouldn't have been surprised if she snuck in.

I walked gracefully down the isle, and finally met Fred at the end. My uncle let go of my arm and brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed it, I pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for being here for me." I whispered into his ear before I pulled away and stood up next to Fred.

        "Dearly beloved, today we are gathered here to witness the marriage of Fred Gideon Weasley and Rosanna Nymphadora Lupin Black. Together these to people have been through everything. When I was asked to marry these people I asked for only one story to show their love for each other and I found many. There were times of happy tears and time of angry and sad tears. But always they came back to each other and remained faithful through times when it looked when one would not survive." The minister said, I gave a smile to Fred. "And now the vows."

        George passed over a card to Fred, "I vow to always know when to play the right joke. To prank when needed and to always smile. I vow that I will always be there for you in what ever way you need, whether it be right next to you or several blocks away. I vow to kill the small spiders as those are the ones that scare you. I promise to always want to hold your hand and I vow to always tell you everything. I vow to give you hugs and to make you spaghetti on Fridays. I vow never to make you eat fish and to always support your dreams and never to laugh when you are serious. I promise not only to be your husband but your best friend. I promise that I will never try to fight and to never get mad at the little things. I promise to give you foot messages and to rub your shoulders at the end of a long day. I promise I will make you tacos when you ask and to never not make you a milkshake afterwards. I vow to always love you Rosanna." I had tears rolling down my race but I couldn't help but smirk.

        "You didn't remember your vows... good..." I said breathlessly. The minister then looked to me and Sam passed me my vows. "I vow to always set up a joke for you. I vow to always order you a large peperoni pizza. I vow never to put out a cheese plate with crackers as that is way to fancy for us. I vow to always sing when you are sick and to never not laugh at your pranks. I vow to pack you a lunch every day for work containing a ham and cheese sandwich, a fruit roll up and a grape juice box. I vow to always send you money for ice cream. I vow to love you more and more for each breath that I take and never to stop breathing or to hold my breath because for each second that passes by my love for you grows more and more and more then I would have ever thought. I vow always to look back at our frst kiss in a happy and funny way. I vow always to smile and to capture the important and none important moments because each second I spend with you is one of the best of my life. I vow to never forget that. I vow that I will never mix you and the Holy Saint George, as I haven't since I found out I loved you... And I have loved you forever and always."

We said out 'I do's' and the minister began to speak again. "I present Mr Fred Weasley and Mrs Rosanna Weasley."


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