Reunited At Last

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After my sudden departure I arrived at the borders of the land my house rested on knowing about the protection spells and how if they were smart they would have changed them to work against my gift... if that were possible, I am not quite a hundred present it is... and I do not want to find out the hard way. I took a deep breath while walking into the border, I knew it would alert Fred that I was inside the walls, that someone was inside its walls. I knew it wouldn't be long until I saw Fred, until I saw Hope... until I hugged my family and slept in my home.

I heard the rushing steps in my direction, Fred's steps, possibly some more of the order... but it would be someone I knew. Some one I possibly loved... it might even be my younger sister Isabella, who I know even for her age has a lot of fire in her system... a lot of fire and a lot of passion, which sometimes can be a deadly combination. I knew I would have to worry about them trying to attack me but for some reason I was not scared. I was happy to take this risk. Happy to be able to duel with my loved ones.

I could smell Molly's cooking, the warmth of it... it let off this aroma that I instantly knew it could not have been Fred to cook this, only Molly Weasley's cooking smelt this way, it smelt like a home you would never want to leave. Only Molly Weasley's cooking made you feel like that from just the smell, others you would have to taste first... but not hers... you could definitely say that her cooking was magical, and there was no other way to describe it.

I could hear their voices before I could see them. I could smell the trees surrounding my house before I could see them. They were rich in scent, just like Molly's cooking. The reminded me that I wasn't just running for fun, I was running to get home to my family. It was inspiring. It gave me such a strong hope, and I had never, believe me when I say this, I had never gotten such a rush just from the scent of a simple group of pine trees. Even if these, in some properties, we magical trees.

It was after that when I heard his voice. Fred's voice. "Come on we got to find out who is here... I wont let them take Hope to..." His voice was pained, I could tell that, I knew him like that, I knew how he sounded when he was sad, happy, mad, tiered, any emotion from here to there. I knew him better then anyone, except maybe George, but that is what every other Friday nights were for. Our matches to see who knew my husband more. It sometimes got quite intense. I am glad I have the two of them.

The next thing that happened was I saw them. There was Fred, Molly, Isabella, and Ginny. I gave them a smile but stopped when I realized that all of their wands were pointed directly at me. I knew I would have to answer questions, so I didn't give them a chance.

"Hey... Long time no see..." I said awkwardly, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean for those snatchers to get me... I mean once they had me I knew it would be to stupid to try to fight them... I was way out numbered, so I revealed one of my biggest secrets to them. Where I lived before I attended Hogwarts. After my mother, Alexandra Lupin Black went off who knows where, after my father was wrongly accused of telling you know who about the location of James and Lily Potter, so starting the war..."

"Stop babbling." Fred ordered, "How, did Rosanna and I start dating." He demanded, I smiled. I didn't think he would ask this question. It was a good one I admit.

"I was crying... because you had been an idiot, I was actually trying to talk myself out of liking you, I had liked you since first year... I dreamt of the day you and me would get together, but I didn't think it would ever happen... and I said you were just a git... and then you told me about the girl you like, and then... well we kissed." I said breathlessly, I smiled at the memory, and surprising me Fred pulled me into his arms kissing me.

"Rosanna... your alive... your really here..." He said his lips still pressed against mine, I felt his smile and I hadn't been this happy since, well my wedding.

"Hope! Where is she... oh god who's watching her... my daughter better not be alone in that house Fred Weasley!" I said in a rush, I saw Molly smiling and she pulled me into a quick hug before Isabella and Ginevra, yes I am back to that, pulled me into a tight hug.

"Let go of me I need to see my daughter!" I hissed before running up to the house, I was in very quickly and was pulled into a hug by Tonks. I groaned and squirmed out of her hold to pick up my daughter. She looked almost three.

"Hope..." I whispered before yanking her out of Ginny's hands. Ginny looked way mad, I sent her this deadly glare that probably would have made a death eater wet himself. "I have not seen my daughter in who knows how long. I will hold her Ginevra."

Not long after that the rest of the order left. I was glad. All they did was try to keep me from Fred and Hope. I kicked them out of my house.

As soon as they left I threw myself into Fred's arms crying. "I am so sorry!" I sobbed, "I... I had to see Harry... I didn't see the snatchers..."

"Why were you at Malfoy manor Anna." He said softly, I cried harder then before.

"I wasn't always a Black... I was raised by the Malfoy's... I told you about my fake twin once..." I told him, "I was never like them though... well I was like Narcissa..." I told him, I was completely shaking. "I thought I would never see you again..."

For then all was good.

Waking Up (Sequel to Helpless Dreams)Where stories live. Discover now