Stupid Sisters and Hitting Trees

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Hey. This is the sequel to Rosanna Black. If you haven't read it yet please do. This takes place in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I own no one you recognize, those all belong to the goddess J.K Rowling. Thank you.

I'm Rosanna Black. I am not a Malfoy, I haven't been a Malfoy since I was eleven... Twelve years old. I will never be a Malfoy. I am not going to marry Draco... Because... Well ew. I am in love with someone else, and he feels pretty strongly about me as well.

In my first year at Hogwarts I became best friends with Fred Weasley, George Weasley and Lee Jordan. Over time if possible I grew even closer to the twins, making it much harder for me to hide my crush. George helped me, because apparently I cant hide anything from him. There of coarse, we the moments when I wanted to rip Fred's thought out for saying stupid things like he would like to dance with my sister, or that he had started to date Alicia Spinet in my third/fourth year of school. For weeks I didn't talk to Fred before then, and at the moment I had I regretted ever ignoring him in the first place, but I certainly didn't regret meeting my dad.

My father, Sirius Black, an accused murderer and Azkaban escapee and I finally met again that year. Everyone, including my own uncle, thought he was guilty. But somehow my mother knew that he was innocent. She passed a message on to me, the first time I had heard anything from her since the first train ride.

This is the story of me...


"Anna! Anna wake up!" I heard my younger sister Isabella scream, I rushed out of bed and ran down stairs think 'oh god my werewolf uncle has gotten lose and is killing my family', "Anna! We're out of cheese!"

"Bella! You know you aren't supposed to freak out like that! Let alone on a full moon! I thought Sam was dead and you were dying! Why can't I have normal sisters... Stupid sisters."

I regretted saying stupid, because as soon as I did Bella started hollering again. "Sam! Sam! Anna called us stupid!"

I threw my hand over her mouth, "Don't." I said in a deathly voice, her eyes widened and I sat at the table next to her. There was a letter sitting on it addressed to me, "Izzy, were you going to tell me I had a letter?"

"Maybe." She said grinning, I narrowed my eyes at her and opened my letter.

'Dear Anna,

My dad got tickets to the upcoming Quidditch World Cup, and I was wondering if you would like to join us? It's a once in a life time opportunity and even Hermione is coming. If you want to come we can pick you up tomorrow... If not I will drag you out of your house by your feet.

I miss you loads and mum is really nagging on my and George about our OWL's, she's been destroying some of our merchandise and is try to stop us from starting up a joke shop. I hope it gets better when you get here.

Lots of Love,
Fred Weasley'

I sighed making a mental note to ask Remus when he had changed back. I healed him now, apparently I was good at it to. I hadn't thought much about what I wanted to do outside of school, but I knew I didn't want to end up a professor of Divination. My least favourite class because the professor is thinking she is a fake but isn't so she acts like one but she doesn't know that's what people see and it's just frustrating. I dropped the class.

I grinned and set the letter down, then I frowned. I hadn't heard much from Fred over the summer, which was odd... We had become official before we left school... And he had always been on my mind since. He didn't judge me like others did... I was the daughter of a murderer and niece of a werewolf. Plenty of people looked my way when I walked by to say the least.

"What did he want?" Isabella asked, she for some odd reason didn't like Fred or George. She was on the other hand in love with Ron... but I knew it would never work between them. They are both to hot headed and stubborn. 

"Oh hush Izzy, Fred is a nice boy." Sam said walking into the room, "They level each other out. You know how Annie here always worries about little things... and just looking at Fred's OWL's results, well he is a bit more of a slacker."

"Morning Sam." I greeted my sister, she had placed some toast into the toaster while Izzy whipped up some hot chocolate for our uncle who would just be waking up. He was currently locked in the basement. 3 knocks sounded, then 2 more and then 1 last. That was the knock letting us know it was safe to open the door. I rushed over to the door and opened it. I then pulled him into a tight hug.

He wrapped his arms around me, "Uncle Remmy... The Weasleys have invited me to go to the Quidditch World Cup... can I please please please please please please please go?" I asked him giving him the 'puppy dog' look. He sighed.

"You do that face better then your mother, yes you can go." He said hoarsely, I squealed and he put his hands over his ears. Izzy passed him the hot chocolate and Sam gave him the toast while I rushed up to my room.

'Dear Fred,

Why in the world have you not been writing! You have had me worried sick! I have been stuck in this house with a sister named Sam who is a know it all, she even corrected me when I called the Whomping Willow the Hitting Tree, and you have to admit that my name for it is much better. Then there is Izzy who get's mad every time that I mention your or George, and all she ever talks about it Ron. Honestly I think that she would be better off with Neville. They would make a nice pair.

'You have got me rambling, but anyway Remus said I could go to the World Cup! I am super excited, the only down side is Sam's boy friend. She wont say who he is but he sounds like a real stick in the mud. I still can't believe you rarely write me, I know your lazy but we are dating now. I can't wait to see you, send everyone but George my love, remind him that he is a Purple Zembra's poop... I will tell you what a Zebra is when I get to the burrow, I will leave tomorrow... don't bother picking me up, I have my own way of getting there, Love you,

                                                                Rosanna B.'

I sealed the letter and sent it off with my owl. Things were going to be different and weird and upsetting and everything and nothing. I just know it. This year will be different.

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