To Many Lives Lost

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We all stood there for a second, no one spoke no one coughed, I don't think anyone even blinked. Albus Dumbledore, headmaster to all of us while we attended Hogwarts, was dead.

        Suddenly something dawned on me. There are death eaters in the school. We gotta get over there and fight! I got out of bed, now feeling fine and with the familiar bang, I and the hands of everyone I love were on my arms as we arrived at the school. Harry was still by the body and I ran forward, there were plenty of gasps.

        "Its Anna!"

        "She's alright!"

        "When did she wake up?"

        I made my way to Harry and chocked up a sob when I saw the body up close. It had fallen from the astronomy tower. Harry was crying, and despite all that he had been through it had been the only time I ever saw him cry. I pulled him into my arms and lead him back through the crowd of people with their wands held high. He looked back a couple of times, many people were following us. Only the people he needed though, Remus, Mrs Weasley, well the whole group of Weasleys, and we made way up to the hospital wing.

        Fleur, who I learned is engaged to Bill, began to sob more when she saw him. He had been attacked by Finir Greyback, a werewolf, the one who changed my uncle as a child. I want even more now to get that man and have revenge. I sat next to Sam and Fleur and Molly were arguing, then Fleur said she would marry him even if he was a werewolf because she loved him and they they both ended up crying and hugging. I was pulled into this hug because 'I was alive'.

        Tonks and my uncle then got into a large argument.

        "You see! She still wants to marry him even though he's been bitten!" Tonks said, they continued that conversation and I sat silently, my sister was staring at her ring. She traced the band with one finger and she was suddenly pulled into a hug by Mrs Weasley with me, Fleur and Hermione. I think Izzy felt left out but she didn't have anymore room in her arms.

        After that large group hug I walked out of the hospital wing with Remus. We strolled down random corridors and it was almost half an hour before he spoke to me in the same loving way I remember.

        "I knew you would wake up." He told me pulling me closer, "I knew because almost the same thing happened to Allie when she was fifteen, although she only remained in the coma like state for a few days, it was her knowledge powers finishing their growing process." I looked to the floor, for what ever reason I didn't want to talk about my mother right now. Not after I found out I had lost my father, and never even got to get to know him.

        "Uncle Remus, who killed my father?" I asked trying not to cry, I saw him stiffen out of the corner of my eye. "Please," I begged, "I want to know."

        "Bellatrix LeStrange, don't do anything stupid Rosanna. It isn't the end, and we both know that." He told me, I nodded and we continued on our walk.

        When we returned some people had stopped crying some had started, I controlled myself and sat on Fred's lap. He pulled me even closer if that was possible and sang a soft song in my ear. I knew I loved him more then I could possibly love any other man when he did that, I knew that he would be the man I married, and that I would have a son or daughter or both or multiple of both with him. He was my life my love. -

        We left the school, I had no need for my NEWTS as I never intended into going into work where I needed them. I was going into work with Fred and George in the joke shop.

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