Don't Make Me Wake Up

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I learned three things last night.

1. George likes to milk in the attention he gets from injuries
2. Labour hurts
3. Babies cry a lot

So to say some things quickly I did not get a lot of sleep last night. On the plus side I finally have a flower girl. I also learned last night that mad eye died. I was quite sad even though I had met him once.

So this is how the morning of my wedding went...

Thud... Thud... Thud... I heard a muffled sound, I groaned and threw a pillow over my head. "Suddup Fred..." I groaned, I heard a snigger. I threw a hit and a kick in that direction.

"Wake up Rosanna. Wake up!" Someone yelled, I groaned again, I kicked them again. They screamed and fell off the bed. Soon there were several more thud thud thud noises, people coming up the stairs. Suddenly I was soaking wet. They had dumped a bucket of ice water on me. The meanies.

"Rosanna we have to get ready!" Hermione squealed. She is to loud for me to put up with right now.

"Ginnnnnnnnny can't I sleep a little longer?" I asked yawning, I walked out of the room and fell down the stairs on top of Fred. Ginny hit him over the head with a frying pan and pulled me away screaming.

I need coffee.

"Ginny go get me coffee."


"Can I go get my own coffee?"


"I hate you."

"Love you too."

They are out to kill me. They won't let me drink coffee. Or eat. For all I know the death eater could decided to crash my wedding instead of Bills because I am a seer and stuff! I can't battle Moldy Shorts on an empty stomach! That would be a crime! I need caffeine.

So Ginny did my makeup, I don't know how because I was constantly complaining about how I wanted coffee. About twenty minutes after I woke up I realized I was upset not because they would not give me coffee... But because neither of my parents were here for the most important day off my life.

        There was a light tap on the door. Sam walked in smiling holding several boxes. "Ginny, I think its best we leave Rosanna for a moment, there are for you sis." She said passing over the boxes over with two thick envelope on top. I slowly opened the first one trembling.

        'My Darling Rosanna,

I am so very sorry dear that I could not be here for this day, not just am I letting you and your sisters down but also my beautiful granddaughter Hope. I wish more then anything that I could be at you wedding, not just because you are my daughter, and not just because I consider you a friend, but because of what you did for Remmy. I had worried long before he and Dora met that he would never forgive me for missing his wedding, but in someways you made my presence known and I will forever be thankful for that.

Today, it is supposed to be a joyous day for both you and young Mr Weasley, but I feel I need to remind you and warn you that the war is coming up. You need to be happy with your family now. I must ask something of you as well. Please do not allow Isabella to return to Hogwarts. Snape will have it out for her as she is daughter and niece to three of his former bullies. He will never forget that and I fear if she returns to school she will not return home.

In two of those boxes are my gift to you from myself. Forgive me, I have never been very good at getting people gifts. I love you and your sister Rosanna more than you may ever be able to realize, I hope you know that. Your father, bless his soul, would kill himself for missing this day. I know you never got to say a proper goodbye to him, or a farewell for now, but you must understand even if you had been there nothing would have changed.

I love you to the moon and beyond,

your mother,

Allie Black'

I closed the letter with small tears running down my face and opened the second letter.

        'Dear Baby Rosy,

I know that this war is awful and has put us all through to much pain for many years, and that is why I am writing this letter. I knew that first day I saw you at Hogwarts... I was watching in my dog form, but you did not know this, but I saw you with that young Mr Weasley, Fred I believe his name is, and you were glowing. I could have sworn I was looking at your mother, because ever since she feel in love she looked that way. A big goofy smile on her face and her whole appearance just glowing.

I regret not having spent enough time with you, I am sorry that you can not have a proper family, or childhood because of this. I was foolish and young and in pain when I went after Pettigrew. Because of this I lost the most precious thing I have ever had. You and your sisters and your mother and watching you grow up and become the amazing young woman I know you will become.

        I hope that you always look back at the memories that you have of me, although they are few, that you can't help but smile and shake your head. I also know that in the event that you read this that I am dead. Don't mourn me for to long Rosy... I want you to move on from my death and smile. Enjoy your life, create more lives, live happily Rosy, just never forget that me, and your mother, love you. We always have even if it ever felt different. Don't live just for your powers and skills, live for love and joy and stop and smell the roses every now and again.

With all my love,

Sirius Black, your father.'

I picked up one of the three boxes. It was wrapped messily, so I assumed it was my father who had wrapped it. There was a small note on top.

'Your something old'

I moved some tissue paper and there was an old silver pin. It had a green snake on it, the slythrin crest, I knew instantly that it was a Black family heir loom. I had more tears running down my face as I placed it on the bed.

I pulled a bow off a neatly wrapped box and inside was a small locket on a chain. I opened it up and there was a picture of me and my sister inside as toddlers. There was a note in the box. 'Your something borrowed, I do want this back, xox Mum'

The last box had to be my favourite. It was a small blue earring, only one, and it stood out amazingly. The note simply said, 'Your father lost the other...'

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