Alexandra Black is Back

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How are you supposed to react when something you have been waiting your whole life for... just walks through the door of the great hall walks up to your father and falls into his arms shortly after pecking him softly on the lips? I didn't know even after picturing the moment my mother came back home over a million times... and neither did my father or sister... they like myself stood with their mouths agape at the sight of her. She could have passed off for my twin we looked so similar... just as my uncle... the one dead only a few feet over had told me countless times.

"Alex..." my father breathed after several minutes of silence, and when I say silence I mean the whole battle had stopped once again around us the way it did when I well... died. "Alexandra... is it really you?" He was as shocked as I myself was to see someone we wanted to believe was dead... I know that sounds awful... but when you haven't had your mother around your whole life... if she needed to be anywhere she should have been with her daughters. With her loving husband. She should have been there for her family... but she wasn't.

"Yeah... Yes Siri... It's me... and don't you dare call me Alexandra again you stupid dog." She said, and at that... from all the memories I had ever seen of my mother, from all the stories whispered and all the thoughts thought... well I knew that this woman was her. There wasn't a doubt in my mind. "You girls are so beautiful... all three of you girls were such gifts..." She murmured, she ran her hands though mine and Isabella's hair. "I am so sorry I missed so much of your lives."

I lost it once again. I had lost everything in almost a mater of minutes... I was having the worst of worst days... Yes many people had lost family... but I had lost my sister, my husband, my uncle, my aunt... and then there stood my mother, a woman who left me and my sisters and my uncle 16 years ago and she was alive and well. A part of me hated it. Another part of me hated myself for hating her for it... I was just so confused. I just wanted to run away from my life... but I couldn't.

"Rosanna." My mother said, "You have the power to... " Her voice was soft and encouraging but I couldn't believe her.

"Mum... I... I don't even know what to do!" I sobbed, for a second she looked chocked up to be called 'mum'. She quickly recovered.

"You do Annie." She told me, "and as a wise man once said... there is nothing as powerful of a mothers love..." She took her hand in mine and turned it, "once for the love my mother gave me," she turned it in hers again, "Once for the love I felt for you and your sisters every day of my life..." She turned my hand once more, "And once for the love that burns through you for your daughter."

"What does this have to do with anything mum?" I asked still crying, she shushed me by placing two fingers over my mouth gently.

"Think of all the love you have ever felt in your whole life darling... follow me... I will take you to your husband... and from there... well Annie... From there it is up to you." She told me, and with that she took my hand. "Spill your heart... your sole... into these words." She took a shaky breath and looked towards her brother, "I believe in you Rosanna."

She left me beside my husband and naturally I fell to my knees and with one hand I took his and the other I ran through his red Weasley hair. I was soft and gentle and felt soft tears glazing down my face... something I couldn't stop. A whisper of a smile remained on his face.

"Fred... on our wedding day I told you my vows... and I have to admit those were not my first choice." I whispered rubbing a circle in his palm. "Love is simple... love is sweet... or at least that is the way it is between us... Love is not the way one looks, it is the way one feels when they think about the person they love. Love is forever between us. It is not just a feeling it is a promise... and I promise over and over again that the love between us will never die. Even if there are something's we want to keep to ourselves, I promise one day to tell you everything..." I took a deep breath quickly brushing away my tears. "And I am glad to have a daughter with you and a family with you and I am honoured that out of everyone in this world you chose me."

I took a deep breath and slide my lips across his, and the most amazing thing happened. He kissed me back. Electricity worked its way through my body and I took a deep breath away from him. His blue eyes were open and there tears in his eyes. He reached up and grabbed my face tenderly before pulling me back in for another soft kiss. I pulled away and I have to admit I had never seen anyone cry quite like that.

"Promise me Rosanna Weasley that you will never do something so stupid ever again." He told me, I laughed at him and shock my head. "I know that Sam... I know that she went for you... but promise me you will never leave my side ever again... okay?" His voice was weak, but it also held a grin like it always did.

"I promise Fredrick." I said giggling, he playfully smacked me. I kissed him again and pulled him to his feet, "George!" I screamed, soon the twins were hugging each other and both sobbing loudly.

I let go off Fred's hand and sent him a smile and ran off towards my uncle. He was much easier to wake up. Then Nymphadora... then anyone else who was dead until it was only Samantha left. I walked over to her and sat by her side.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder. The war was over... Voldemort was dead... Harry was a hero... families were reunited... all except mine.

"Sammy... I am so sorry you hated me so much... I am so sorry you thought it was my fault... I am just so sorry..." I cried holding her, I was pulled away. But there was no one there... only the voice of Fiona Hope.

'She can not be saved Rosanna... she, even while not in her right mind... had made her choice long ago... only one will live in the end.'

I did not really understand what that meant until I looked across the room... my sister sobbed hysterically... her eyes were crazy and her hair a mess.

Only one will live in the end. Only one will live in the end... only one.

That one was me. And I hated it.

One last chapter after this...

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