FAQs and My Replies

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Hey you guys! I know many of you are rather...adverse to the theme I'm trying to explore at the moment, so I decided I'd post this where, hopefully I can put all the fears to rest as well as give you guys more info on my plan for this story.

So, you knnow, if you have any questions regarding the story or the choices I've made my characters make, feel free to voice it here, alright? :))

1. Is Jessy pregnant?

Okay, so here's the deal. I'm one of the authours who likes to kind of let my imagination take the best of me. My characters kind of dictate the story, so I never really know what's going to happen until I actually put it down on paper and post it for you guys. So, I can't tell you whether she's pregnant, because I honestly have not decided it yet.

2. Please don't make Jessy pregnant, it's wrong! If you do, I'll stop reading your story...

I have to be honest, these are the kind of comments that hurt the most. Okay, so here's my rationale. I'm trying to broaden my horizons as an amatuer writer. I've never explored such a theme before. It's just me trying something different. So, if you guys really cannot except me for trying something different, I'm really sorry. I do thank you for all the support thus far of course.

3. How can you make Jessy pregnant? She's too young to be a mother!

Again, I haven't really said she's pregnant. I might not. It just hasn't been stated yet. But I can assure you that she will not be a teenage mum, okay? I'm not ready to explore that theme yet. 

4. Why is Jessy so dumb about the whole Carter situation?

Jessy is 17 and kind of insecure. She's lived an entire life where her 'brothers' have told her what and what not to do. So obviously rebellion will step in. And being a teenage girl who obviously doesn't really see herself clearly, she jumped at the prospect of someone admiring her. Carter made it very obvious that he wanted her. And Carter was off limits, which gave Jess a sort of adrenaline rush whenever she was with him.

5. What's Moira's problem?

She's a sick, sick girl. Enough said.

6. How much longer will the story continue?

Again, don't really know. Still have some of Haden's secrets to reveal so it may take a while.

Okay, so if there anymore questions just add it as a comment and I'll keep updating this page! :))


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