Chapter 32

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---------- Chapter 32 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It’s been quite a number of days, practically two and a half weeks...since that night I spent with Carter. The Formals is now a week away, and the entire school is in an uproar. All day long, the only thing you’ll hear is the girls talk about their dresses or the guys talk about how hot their dates are.

It’s tiresome, to be honest. It seems like too frivolous a matter to get so crazy and excited over. Though, I get it. If the guy I liked was a school mate and he asked me to the Formals, I would be over the moon. But that won’t happen. Why? Carter isn’t a school mate, he’s a lecturer. And even if he was...I don’t know anymore. The way he treated me after sleeping with’s got me thinking.

But, if I was being honest with myself...the real reason I’m not excited about the formals is because I’m terrified. Even more afraid then I was when Moira was torturing me-


My stomach heaves and I barely have enough time to throw down my pen and run across my room into the toilet, making it to just in time to barf up everything I ate. I begin sobbing at the disgusting taste that’s left in my mouth. I flush the toilet only to be wrecked by another wave and have to barf again.

               “Jessy?” Haden asks cautiously from behind me, pulling my hair away from my face as I puke my guts out.

Once I’m done I flush the toilet once more and collapse against the cold porcelain, letting the sobs come.

Haden gently helps me over to the sink and I brush my teeth over and over again, trying to get that horrible taste out of my mouth. He then leads me back into my room and onto my bed just as Matt comes jogging in with a glass of water.

He hands me the water and I sip it gratefully.

Alex sits on the edge of my bed, patting my leg sympathetically. “You okay, Jess? This is the third time this week. Maybe it’s a virus?” he suggests.

               “I’m okay,” I whisper, my eyes filling with tears again.

               “Shh, just rest,” Haden murmurs, pulling the covers over me. “If you need a thing, just call us, alright?”

I nod my head and the boys leave the room, leaving me once again to write in my diary. I pick up my pen and stare at the words I wrote.

I’m not sick. It’s not a virus.

I think it’s morning sickness. But that would mean I’m...pregnant.


               “Jess!” Haden calls, walking across my room and pulling the curtains open, flooding my room with sunlight. I sit up groggily and throw a glance at my alarm. It’s noon! I’m hungry!

               “You’ve been such a moody little thing for the past couple of days,” he comments, grinning as he sits cross legged on my bed.

               “Not feeling well, remember?” I grumble sourly.

               “Yeah. How’s your stomach?” he asks, cocking a brow.

               “Better, I think?” I mumble, hoping for a change of subject.

               “Awesome! Formals is in a week. You need a dress, I need a tux. What say you we head to the mall?” he suggests.

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