Chapter 47

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"Big day right?" Said Tom as he joined our little group in the airport. We just landed in Argentina for the first tour date and were waiting for the tour buss to come.
"Thrilling." Ana said taking a seat next to Alex and resting her head on his shoulder.
"Amazing. Claudiu can we talk a bit?" Tom said and I nodded. We walked away from the group and I rested my back against a wall.

"What's up?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow.
"You really thought I couldn't find out?" Great. I thought he forgot or he got he message that I don't care, but no.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said picking at the hem of my shirt.
"Don't play dumb with me Claudiu." He threatened.
"Look Tom, I know you want the best for the band but let's not forget who hired you. I'm done with you constantly trying to have full control of my life. I can love whoever I want to and I can take care of myself, I'm adult. I don't need you to be up my ass all the time." I snapped at him.
"No you don't understand-" he tried to speak but I cut him off.
"No, YOU don't understand. I'm not your doll, you can't play around with me how you want to." I said and he took some moments to respond.
"Fine. Be with Maya, do whatever you want I don't care anymore. I'm going to send Myra back home and you can live your happy life with Maya since you love her so much." And he left. I was happy that he finally understood but something didn't feel right. Why didn't he snap back at me, or cut me off mid sentence.

I got back to the meeting place. Edy was sitting down, earphones plugged in, Maria was sitting on a luggage talking with Maya. Ana was probably sleeping with eyes open resting her head on Alex's shoulder and Miles was eating a sandwich trying to catch up into Maria and Maya's conversation.

I was pacing around my changing room. I was a bit shaky and I was sweating. I had to talk to Maya but not right now. But when? I don't even know what to tell her. Hey, Tom said we can be together so, will you be my girlfriend?

"You okay?" Asked Maya entering the room and waking me up from my thoughts. "Nervous?"
"A bit." I answered and stopped making circles around.
"Tom gave me this." She said and handed me my ear piece. "He said to give this to you."
"Thanks." I said and she walked to the makeup station.
"Do you like your outfit?" She then asked glancing at me. She put me into a black see through shirt with black jeans. It was pretty warm in Argentina for January so it fitted perfectly for the humidity.
"I love it." I responded and she smiled.
"I'm glad."

A knock on the door interrupted our eye contact and a male voice was heard from outside. "You're up in five!" One of the stuff members announced.
"You should go." Maya said.
"You're not coming?" I asked placing my palm over the door handle.
"I have to make a call first." She said and I nodded.

I walked to the wings of the stage. The whole band was there, playing drinking games and making the stuff play too. I missed this vibe. Ana approached me and handed me a beer which I happily accepted.
"So are we playing Baby Came Home?" She suggested and I shook my head.
"No, I was thinking to sing it at Glastonbury, what do you say?"
"I like the sound of that." She said and we clinked the tip of our beers together.

The first two concerts were amazing, each of them ending with a visit at the nearest McDonald's. We now had a day off in Brazil and it was Ana's birthday but we decided to stay in the hotel since she already had her birthday party before the tour.

"Ok now open my gift." Said Miles and handed her a bag. She opened it carefully and laughed when she read the message from the tee.
"Blowjob queen, wow Miles." She said and we all started laughed loudly.
"Wait but how do you know?" Edy asked wiping a tear running down his cheek.
"I have my sources." He answered and nudged Alex's side.
"Oh my goodness." Alex sighed and we laughed louder.
"Put that shirt on!" Maya cheered and she slid the shirt over her tank top.
Miles took his phone and took a picture of it. "I will post this on Instagram." He said with a proud smile on.

Meanwhile Maria's boyfriend, Jason came inside with two bottles of vodka. He was a good lad and Maria was happy so we approved him. He was tall with dark curly hair and black glasses. He is a CEO at some motorcycle company and said that he can give me and the band a free motorbike so that's why he's approved, but don't tell Maria. They met at a bar and as she said it was "Love at first sight."

"Does somebody know what happened to Myra?" Asked Edy lightning a smoke inside.
"She said that she got a call from work and has to leave." I answered and they nodded.
"You can't smoke inside you sod!" Ana said throwing a pillow at him.
"Ouch sorry!" Edy said and threw the cigarette away.
"It's pretty late, shall we call it a night, lads?" Maria said in a posh british accent.
"Yeah." We all agreed and got up from our places.
"You coming Alex?" Miles asked.
"Nah, I have something to take care of." He said and looked down at Ana.
"Jesus Christ, stop eye fucking each other with us in the room!" Maria yelled and left the room.
"Byeee, have fun!" I said following Maria.
"Not too much fun cause I'm next door." Edy said and closed the door behind him.
"They need Jesus." Maria said.
"Yeah, and they say it's nothing between them." I said as I unlocked the door opposite Ana's room.
"Never believed that anyway. Good night." Maya said and we all went our separate ways.

We had an interview today for Elle Brazil. We entered the studio and sat down at our specific chairs. They even had our names written on the chairs.
"Can I take this home?" Edy asked a stuff member that passed by.
"Of course." He said and he squeezed the man in his arms.
"NO FUCKING WAY!" Maria gasped looking at the door.
"AMELIA FUCKING HART IS THAT YOU BAE?" Ana yelled and got up from her chair. I looked in their direction and my eyes widened. Amelia went to school with us. She always dreamed of working for Elle Magazine or Vogue and she did it. She wasn't tall nor short, with dark brown hair and dark eyes, her pale skin was full of freckles and I noticed the tattoo on her left arm as she extended her hands to give us a hug.
"It's so good to see you again guys!" She smiled and sat down on her chair.
"It's so good to see YOU. Haven't heard of you in an eternity." Edy said.
"And you got the job, it's amazing." I added and she smiled wider.
"Thank you guys. I really missed you and your silly asses." She said overwhelmed.

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