Chapter 26

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"Sorry what?" I asked confused. I must've misunderstood what he said.
"Can you be in the video, please? Edy's girlfriend was supposed to be but she left and now we don't have anyone, please?" He said looking at me with those puppy eyes that I just can't refuse.
"I don't know." I said and tried to avoid his gaze.
"Please Maya." He pleaded and I sighed defeated.
"Fine. What do I have to do?"

He squealed like a puppy and hugged me tightly. I couldn't help but smile at his excitement.

"You just have to walk far away from the camera. That's it." He said motioning with his hands.
I nodded and followed him. I was lead to a van where I assume they get changed. A small girl stood inside the vehicle smiling at me.

"I'm Rachel, I'm their designer." Said the small woman. She was wearing a pair of black jeans with a red tank top. She was pretty, her makeup sat perfectly on her face and, honestly her boobs looked great in that top.

"I'm Maya." I simply responded shaking her hand.
"Let's get you changed." She said and dragged me by the hand. "Can you leave for a moment Claudiu?"
"Of course." He said and left the van.

Rachel showed me the outfit i had to wear. A white fur coat, black tights and black stilettos.
"Remove your clothes and put this on." She demanded.
"Only this?" I asked and she nodded.
"Go and change after the changing panel."

I left the van and walked to Claudiu. He changed into a leather jacket and a pair of black jeans.
"Aren't you cold?" He asked trying to hide his laugh.
"Shut it." I said putting my hand in front of his face. He just continued to laugh like an idiot.

After the director explained to me what I was supposed to do we got to work. It was really simple, I just had to walk away from the camera.
"Quiet please! Action." The director screamed. The music started playing and I put on my best walk. I was a fashion designer after all I knew how to cat walk.

After literally 2 minutes it was done. I changed into my clothes back and went to find the guys. They were sat on some chairs next to the mini bar eating.
"Nice walk Bella Hadid." Joked Maria. I shot her a look and the all started laughing. Soon I joined them picking an apple from the tray.

After some more talking we piled up in the car and went back to the cabin. We were sitting in the kitchen preparing drinks and laighing at Edy's dad jokes.

"Guys do you wanna listen to the album together?" Proposed Ana getting up from her chair.
"Like now?" Asked Maria.
"Yes, I think I have a copy of the album let me check." Continued Ana and left the kitchen. After 2 minutes she turned back with a vinyl in hands. She showed it to me.
"Who's that on the cover?" I asked tracing my fingertips on the mate material.
"This is me and Clau when we were little and thats Maria and Edy."

The front was a picture of two kids, a boy and a girl that I assume are Ana and Claudiu. Claudiu was holding a toy guitar and Ana was holding a microphone.
The back was a picture of Edy and Maria on a monkey bar upside down. They were so small and happy, they were like 5 in those pictures. Adorable.

"You were so cute." I said holding the package in my hands.
"Were?" Asked Claudiu jokingly. I playfully slapped his arm.
"You know what I mean." I said as Ana started the record player.
"Come in the living room." Shouted Ana from the couch.

We took some treats and seated ourselves on the couch. A soft tune started playing and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

The smiles as she walked in the room
Have all turned into frowns and I'm too quick to assume
That the love is no longer in bloom
The tantrums and the tears play a very different tune

A soft guitar was played on the background softly accompanied by very faded bass notes. His voice was so raspy but smooth in the same time. Shivers running down my spine.

Would a kiss be too much to ask
When you fit me as Sunday's frozen pitch fits the thermostat
It's a pity
It just hit me we can't go back
To the chest touching on the back

I tear fell down my cheek. I turned to look at the rest and they were looking at me smiling.

"Was it that bad that you started crying?" Asked Ama crossing her hands.
"No no, it's wow." I just said and they laughed. Maria hugged me and I burried my face in the crook of her neck.
"Are you ready for the next one?" Asked Edy. I nodded and he started playing the other song. "This is called Stop the world."
Continued Edy.

All the instruments started playing a cool tune, very different from the first song. The chorus started playing and Ana with Maria started dancing around. I started laughing bobbing my head.

Stop the world cause I wanna get off with you
Stop the world cause I wanna get off with you

The guitar solo came and Edy started playing the air guitar. Soon the song ended and another on started playing that they called Wirral Riddler. A very tuned guitar started playing.

"Wow." I said bobbing my head at the cool riff that was playing in my ears.
"This is a collaboration with Miles Kane." Said Edy proud of himself.
"Really? I love his music." I said excited.
"He's very funny, good lad. Maybe we can go out with him sometime." Said Claudiu and I nodded my head eagerly. He laughed and shuffled with my hair.

The song ended and Dance little liar started playing. I already knew this song and I would probably start crying so I went to the kitchen to refill my drink.

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