Chapter 18

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I drove back home and dropped my suitcase and my backpack at the entrance. I shoved my shoes off and sat on my couch. Thankfully Matt wasn't home to annoy me. I sat silently watching the blank wall in front of the couch until my phone buzzed.

"Hello?" I said.
"Hey babe. I'm coming to your place in ten minutes." It was Matt. Honestly I didn't want to see him but just accepted and ended the call.

Some minutes later I heard a knock at the door. I dragged myself to the front entrance and saw Matt with a smile plastered on his face a bouquet of roses. I smiled weakly at him and kissed his lips softly. I moved from the doorway making space for him to enter and closed my apartment door. I had a decent apartment with 2 bedrooms , an open space living room with kitchen and 2 bathrooms.

"And how was Paris?" Matt broke the silence.
"Yeah, it was fun I guess." I said making my way to my kitchen island. "Do you want something to drink?"
"Nah." He said coming closer to me. He hugged me from behind with a hand around my waist and the other going down my stomach.
"No, Matt stop." I said and pushed his hand.
"Why?" He asked frowning.
"Not in the mood." I said and turned to my fridge. I was hungry.
"Seriously?! You're never in the mood! I came all the way here for nothing?" He snapped.
"What do you mean for nothing? Am I nothing?"
"Well I could say the same thing to you! I have needs too!" He said and I started getting angry.
"I'm not a toy, you can't use me to fulfil you needs!" I spat back at him.
"No, you're my girlfriend!"
"I wish I wasn't..." I muttered silently but loud enough for him to hear.
"Oh really? Then break up with me!" He said provocatively and I stared blankly at him.
"That's what I thought. See you tomorrow, Maya!" And he left slamming the door.

He always does that. Comes here, gives me a gift and expects to fuck me and when I say no he snaps at me and leaves. What a son of a bitch.

I ate and prepared myself for bed. Laying in my bed I was thinking about one thing. Do I really love him?

Next morning a woke up with a massive headache. I stoped the alarm and dragged myself to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Since fashion week is done I had a lot of free time from work. It's a good thing, I basically do nothing and get paid a shit ton of money.

Claudiu's POV

I was sitting in an uncomfortable chair in front of the airport gate waiting for our flight to be called. Edy and Maria were sleeping on eachother's shoulders while Ana was caught onto something on her phone. I had no idea where the rest of the crew was.

I unlocked my phone and opened instagram and out of curiosity I typed Maya's name in. I found her pretty easily, she had a fair amount of followers. I started scrolling down her page and saw some pictures of her and a guy. The guy seemed pretty familiar. I press on the picture and immediately recognize the one and only, Matty Healy. We know each other, he's the lead singer of The 1975. Though I've never heard him talking about dating someone. I sigh disappointed and close my phone.

I take my black notebook put of my backpack and start writing random words until I could form a sentence, and then wrote almost a whole song.

"What you writing?" Ana woke me up from my concentration. I closed the notebook with a thud and looked at her.
"Doesn't look like nothing."
"We should wake up the others." I said changing the subject and poked Edy's shoulder. "Wake up."

"The passengers from flight B466, Paris-Los Angeles are asked to show up to the gate." The lady from the airport said.
"Come on you fuckers wake up or else we're gonna lose our flight!" Said Ana getting up and punching Edy's foot.

After a fight with Maria about who's gonna sit at the window we were in the middle of the Pacific and I was playing Garage Band on my phone, writing a melody. Maria glanced at my phone and got hers out and opened the same app.

"Unplug your earphones." I did as she said. "Now play what you were playing earlier." I started playing again and she started adding soft drums on the background.
"Change the main riff for bass and add some guitar strumming instead, it would sound better." Ana pocked her head through the chairs. I changed it on bass as she said and started playing again with Maria's drums. It did in fact sound better on bass with the lyrics. I started singing silently. I can't wait to get home and record this, hopefully I wouldn't forget it. I looked at the girls and they were smiling and nodding. I didn't realise I started singing and looked down slightly blushing.
"Aww he's shy." Ana teased and sat back down in her seat.
"Yeah whatever, I'm going to the bathroom." I said and stood up.

2 days later...

I was in my home studio since I came back from France. I finished the song and added it to the album that was ready. We already finished what we had to record, leaving us with some music videos for some melodies.

I was walking home from the studio after some shit meeting. We decided to release the album at the end of November, a but earlier then we decided but since it was ready, why not.
I turned left on a street and bumped into someone almost making the person fall. Quickly grabbed the person by the waist and helped her. When I looked at the girls face my heart skipped a beat.

"I'm sorry." She muttered and looked at me, her face making the same expression as mine. She pushed my hands off of her and walked past me.
"Maya wait, can we talk please?" I pleaded. She stopped and looked at me.
"Didn't I make myself clear 5 years ago? Leave me alone!"
"Wait please, let me explain!"
"No. Now please leave me alone." She shook her head and disappeared around the corner. I sighed loudly trying not to cry.

I don't know what I fell for her. I feel guilty, that's all I know, and I will try my best to make her talk to me again.

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