Chapter 15

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"Hello?" I said thru the phone.
"Hey baby." Matt... what would he want?
"It's 3 in the fucking morning what do you want?" I said coldly.
"I was wondering if you can send me some pics? You know some hot pics of that cute ass of yours." I sighed.
"Fuck, right now?"
"Yes Maya, right now!" He yelled through the phone.
"Ok!" I hung up. Thank god I had some old pics so I just sent him those.

Next morning I woke and checked my phone. I had some messages from Ana so I opened them.

Ana💍 9:27am:
"Hey we are playing at a fashion show today for diesel. Fancy coming?"

A smile formed on my face when I read Diesel 'cause I actually work for them and they sent me here.

Me 9:39am:
"Morning. Actually i work for them. When are you coming?"

Ana💍 9:40am:
"Well i didnt know that. And i have no clue when we are gonna be there i will text you when i find out. See ya!"

Me 9:40am:
"Yeah sure see ya!"

I was standing outside the building having a smoke when a deep voice asks for a lighter. I turn around and my eyes widened.

"No fucking way..." I said and we hugged each other tightly like I wasn't expecting to see him here.
"It's been so long. You look great, black suits you." He said. I used to be a dirty blonde but recently dyed it black, my natural color. Honestly I was scared that my hair would fallout if I would continue to bleach it so I just decided to go back to my roots.
"Thanks. And blonde suits you, I'm shocked." I said and he giggled.

His phone started ringing and he excused himself.
"Sorry, duty calls." He said and showed me his phone screen and Maria was calling. We laughed and then he left to talk on the phone and then Ana called me.

"Hey, we're backstage, wanna join us? Maria wants to see you." She said with a chuckle.
"Yeah coming in a minute, I'm finishing the cig and coming."
"Didn't know you smoke."
"Well surprise then." I said and she laughed.

I arrived backstage and when Maria saw me ran towards me and hugged me so tightly that I could fell some bones cracking.

"You have no idea how much I missed you!" She mumbled into my neck.
"I can tell." I laughed and she smacked my shoulder lightly. "Just kidding. I missed you too."
"Just don't kill her." Said a voice I don't recognize. I pulled away from Maria and saw George smiling at me. I immediately hugged him and he hugged me back.
"Fuck me, I missed you all so much. What happened with Ovidiu?" I asked.
"Oh, he's working at McDonald's." Said Ana and I widened my eyes and they started laughing. "Just kidding, he's actually our image director, but he's not here." She continued.
"Cool. Where's Ryan?" I asked looking around.
"Oh, he left the band. He said that he's not made for this and just left." Said Maria.
"Well that's sad. I have some work to do guys see you later." I said and left the room.

When I closed the door and turned around I bumped into someone and almost fell. Two arms grabbed me by the waist and helped stand up. When I looked up I saw the person I was afraid of facing.

"Easy there." Said Claudiu. I pushed his hands off my waist.
"I don't want to talk to you." I said and walked past him and basically ran out of the room and didn't look back.

"Hey Maya, why are you running?" My coworker asked me. Her name is Ashley and we've been working together for a year. She's really nice and talented.
"Nothing, don't worry." I responded.
"Okay then. The show's starting soon we should go." She said and I nodded.

I was watching the show from backstage. It was almost finished when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said.
"Heeeey." It was Matt. Is sighed and walked a few steps away from the stage.
"I can't really talk right now, is it important?"
"Of course you can't talk, you're always busy with your stupid work! Why can't you understand that I am on the first place not your work!" He sounded a bit drunk so I knew he didn't really mean what he was talking about but his words were still making me mad.
"Matt, you're drunk you don't know what you're saying." I sighed.
"I do know very well what I'm speaking and I know that I want you down on all fours." He muttered down the line. I was struggling to understand what he said and interrupted him before he could say anything.
"Okay stop. Call me when you can speak properly." I hung up and went back to the stage.

I was so done with his shit but I just couldn't leave. He did so many thing for me and I feel like I have to pay him back for what he did. I would feel guilty if I would just leave. I know he loves me, or at least that's what he tells me...

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