Chapter 41

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Maya's POV

When Claudiu left for a smoke we decided to order some McDonald. After some failed attempts to call the number we googled the location and it closed just 10 minutes ago.

"Ah, for fuck sake they're closed!" Exclaimed Maria throwing the phone on the couch.
"It's ok I can make some pasta if you want." I suggested and they squealed like some kids.
"Will you really do that?" Asked Edy and I could see the shine in his eyes.
"You don't want pasta?" I teased and they all shook their heads.

As I was waiting for the pasta to boil, Edy came in and sat at the kitchen stool, he took and apple from the fruit bowl and took a bite. He was stressed and I could tell he wanted to ask something.

"Just say it." I said and he looked surprised at me. "Just ask what you want to ask."
"How do you know I want to ask something?" He asked and I shrugged.
"You always look very hectic when you have something on your mind." I said and he nodded slowly.
"Makes sense." He said and took another bite.
"So what is it? What ex showed up at your door now?" I joked and he laughed.
"No, no ex this time. I don't know how to say it." He said and paused what I was doing for a moment.
"Are you like, ok? Like are you feeling good?" He asked and I froze.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be feeling good?" I stuttered and turned off the oven.
"It's just this whole thing with Claudiu and his new girlfriend and I know how it feels, one moment they tell you they love you and the next day they show up with somebody else." He said gesturing around with his hands. "So I just wanted to make sure you're ok." He continued and I smiled.
"That's so nice of you, thank you, but I am ok. I get it, at the end of the day I broke up with him so I don't blame it." I responded and he got up from his chair to throw the apple away. Then he stopped in front of me and opened his arm. I got into his embrace and he swung us from side to side. "Wait you don't know their relationship is fake." I mumbled against his shirt. He broke away from the hug and looked at me surprised, his hands on my shoulders.
"What? Was I supposed to know?" He exclaimed and I laughed.
"Everybody knows."
"Well now yes, everybody knows." He said and we laughed.

"Ok guys dinner is served." I said as I placed down the last two plates right before Claudiu's head popped inside. Ana approached and started to say something but she fell silent mid sentence. A black suit appeared behind Claudiu and a smile crept on my cheeks as I saw the look on Ana's face.
"Then we need another plate." I said and Maria laughed from the couch she was sprawled on.

We were eating in silence. Everybody taking slow bites from their forks. The atmosphere was awkward, but definitely not for us. I exchanged a knowing look with Maria and Edy, and we silently decided who to ask the question.

"So what were you doing on the front porch?" Claudiu asked. I looked at him and he nodded knowingly.
"Well, umm...I guess um..." Alex stumbled across his words.
"I had to give him something." Ana saved him. "He forgot his house keys." She continued.
We all nodded slowly and took another full fork of food.
"Interesting." Edy said squinting at his plate.
"So what do you want to wear for the interview?"

Two days later and I was arranging the clothes on the racks in a small room.

Claudiu's POV

I was looking at myself in the changing room mirror. I ran a hand down my neatly ironed red shirt and left the cabin.

"I want to do something with my hair. Maybe cut it." I told Maya as soon as she noticed my presence.
"Then do it. I think it will look good." She responded ruffling my hair. Right after that the rest of the band came in. Edy was wearing some funny red pants that made me laugh, Maria was wearing a black blazer with a denim mini skirt and Ana was wearing a red windbreaker with jeans.

"Look Edy we found our lost brother." Said Ana and we laughed.
"Exactly, as a band you need coordinated outfits, you need to look good in pictures and not like a fucking rainbow." Explained Maya.
"Then where the heck is my red item?" Asked Maria placing her hands on her hips.
"You said you didn't like red!" Maya said in defence.

"When I listened to this great album I asked myself if I'm listening to the name band that you were some years ago." The interview, Zach said and we huffed a laugh. "How did you come up with this sound?"
"I think that the first two albums were very childish you know. We were still teens and trying to sound like every other teenage band but as the years passed we realised that we don't actually want to be like others and that's not what music we want to play." Edy responded and we all nodded.
"I feel like the first records sound very raw, like we didn't work a lot in the studio and played with different sounds we just recorded it and that was all. Compared to this one we wanted to experiment more, play around with different instruments." Continued Ana.
"So I suppose in these three years of releasing only singles that's what you were doing, experimenting?" Zack asked sitting straight in his chair.
"More like trying to find our sound, but yes that counts too." Said Maria and I took a sip of my coffee.
"If you actually listen to the first albums you can only hear one male voice that I suppose it's Claudiu, what made you add more voices to your songs or even making the principal voice a female one." Asked Zack.
"We like diversity." I answered and he laughed.

"One of the songs us in collaboration with Miles Kane, how did it happen?" Zack asked.
"We are signed to the same record house and we kept bumping into each other so we thought that it was fate and got together to write something." Responded Ana playing with the wire of the microphone he was holding.
"And you nailed it." Zack said and we laughed.

"A thing that I really appreciate about you guys is you bond, like your not only band mates you're friends too. How long have you known each other for?" Asked Zack after some more boring questions.
"Me and Ana grew up together and we met Maria and Edy in the first year of high school. I don't know you do the maths." I decided to answer this question.
"Impressive. I would like to talk about my favourite from the album, Too much to ask, is it about a certain someone or what is it?" Zack asked.
"Definitely is but I don't thing we can give names." Edy responded looking at me. "But I think that the person knows that this song is about them." I continued and he nodded.
"I felt a rush of melancholy when I listened to this song, can we talk more about the lyrics, if you can of course." Zack suggested.
"Lyrically, yes this song is very melancholic, you know the euphoria and the memory of their touch and the regret that they can't go back to the past times because one of them made a mistake it's definitely very strong and you can feel it." I responded and Zack looked very intrigued.

"Do you all come up with lyrics or everybody has a different role in the process of creating songs." He then asked.
"I think we all have a little notebook where we right our shit but it's usually me and Claudiu." Ana responded and ran a hand through her hair.
"And how does it start, you give them the lyrics and they add the music or how?" Zack asked.
"Depends. It's always very different for example I could play something on the piano on my phone, or Edy makes a fun riff, you never know." Maria responded.

"Liam Gallagher said in an interview that you are young and inexperienced but your music is good, how do you feel?" Zack asked and we all burst into a fit of laughter.
"Definitely agree on that one." Said Ana in between laughs.

"Thank you guys so much for your time, and I can't wait to see you next year." Zack finished the interview and got up to shake our hands.
"Our pleasure, Zack."

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