Chpater 21

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"Ok, but make it quick." I sighed defeated.
"Thank you. Ok so, I know it's gonna be hard to believe me but I'm really sorry and I never meant to hurt you, I can explain what actually happened if you would let me but first can we just be friends?" He said quickly and started stuttering at some point. I exhaled sharply and waited some seconds before responded.
"I completely understand if y-"
"Fine." He started but I interrupted him. He widened his eyes and a grin appeared on his face.
"Yes, now don't make me regret it."
"Are you sure?" He said again and I rolled my eyes.
"Shut up before I change my mind." I said and he nodded eagerly.

I crushed my cigarette on the pavement and looked at him, he was already looking at me.

"You look beautiful tonight." He said sincerely.
"Already flirting?" I asked teasingly. I couldn't see it because of the dim light behind him but I knew him too well and I could tell that he was blushing. He chuckled nervously.
"A bit too fast?" He asked scratching his thick veiny neck. Don't look, Maya. Focus on his face, Maya.
"Don't worry I'm just playing with you. Thank you though." Now it was my time to blush.

I haven't heard these words in...I don't even remember when I last heard them.

"My pleasure." He said cockily. I punched his shoulder lightly and he chuckled. It was good to have him back as a friend.

"Can I maybe hug you?" He asked innocently tilting his head like a puppy. That's cute.
"Aw, of course you can." I said and was greeted by a pair of strong arms. His cologne filled my nostrils. I felt safe. Same cologne. I thought to my self. I heard a sniff coming from him. Breaking the hug I looked at him confused.
"Why you crying?" I asked and he shook his head and sniffed again.
"Allergies." He said and I embraced him again rubbing my hands up and down on his back. "I just missed this and got emotional. I thought you would hate me forever. Even though I probably hate myself more."
"Don't say that. Now everything is fine ok?" I said and he nodded letting his muscles relax.

"I feel like I have to explain what actually happened years ago." He said breaking the hug. He sat down ok the pavement and motioned to me to do the same. I obeyed and he started explaining. After he finished I felt bad for overreacting. Some tears escaped my eyes but I wiped them immediately. What made me feel even worse was how he explained it, trying his best not to burst into crying and stuttering from time to time. Bro was hurt.

"I'm sorry. I should've let you explain." I said hugging him again.
"It's okay, it's not your fault anyways. But can I ask you something?" He said and I nodded. "Did something happened between you and Matty? You seemed a bit off the whole night and I saw some post on Instagram but I thought they were just rumors." Just when I thought that I forgot about him.
"Yeah we broke up. Damn the media is fast." I said with a chuckle trying to light up the mood but it didn't really work.
"May I ask why?"
"Well, it's kinda hard to explain. A year ago or so I found put that he was cheating on me but I didn't say anything and then I started hanging out with you guys again and he became really possessive and told me to stop hanging put with you, of course I didn't listen because I don't have anything to do with the problem between you two and we started arguing and the he..." I said but stopped to think if I should say it or not. I kinda stared blankly and Claudiu noticed my sudden mood change.
"What did he do?" He asked worried.

"Well, he kinda...hit me." I muttered and stared at the ground under my feet.
"What? That bastard are you ok?" He asked raising his voice.
"Yes yes, I'm fine." I said still not looking at him.
"I swear to god if he will approach you again I will break his nose. Did something else happen?"
"Then I told him all I knew about the cheating part and that we are done." I said looking up from the ground.
"But why didn't you break up with him earlier if you knew that he was cheating on you?"
"It's complicated. Honestly our relationship started just as friends with benefits when I was still in college and then he said that he loved me. I didn't know how to respond so I said that I love him too."
"But you didn't." He finished my sentence.
"Exactly." I nodded. "And I just couldn't break up with him, I felt guilty. He did a lot of things for me and I felt like I had to make it up to him somehow, but I'm glad that is finally over." I said and exhaled sharply.

I felt relieved. It was good to open up about something that has been stuck in my heart for years.

"I'm glad you got rid of that prick. No offense but he was a pain in the arse." He said and I giggled lightly.
"You're right. Let's leave the past behind and get back inside. The others are probably asking for us."
"I doubt that, they're probably black out drunk."
"Yeah probably." I said as he held the door open for me to enter first. What a gentleman.

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