Chapter 24

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"Where are the others?"
"Probably upstairs. Let me show you your room." Said Maria making her way to the stairs.
"Room? What do you mean room?" Asked Claudiu picking up our bags.
"Well me and Ana share a room, Edy is with his girlfriend and there was only one room left. Hope you don't mind." Responded Maria casually. I changed a glance with Claudiu and he nodded at me shrugging.
"I don't mind." I said agreeing with Claudiu.

The room was pretty spacius, a big double bed in the middle, a wardrobe on one side and the balcony on the other. It was pretty cozy, wooden walls and floors and persian carpets on the ground.

"This is beautiful." I say sitting on the bed looking at my surroundings.
"Agree. Let's go down and meet the others, they should be waiting for us."
I got up from the bed and walked down the stairs behind Claudiu.
We entered the kitchen receiving a round of cheers from the others for some reason.

"Why are you so happy?" I said hugging Ana. She shrugged and handed me a beer.
"Maya, this is Cyntia, my girlfriend." Said Edy pointing to a tall blonde in the corner sitting on a chair.
"Nice to meet you." I said to her. She raised her eyes from her phone and nodded at me. Rude.

"Have you seen the rest of the cabin?" Asked Ana and I shook my head. "We have a fucking cinema in the basement." She continues and I widened my eyes in shock.
"Wow!" Was the only thing I could say.
Maria got up and told us she is going to prepare the jacuzzi for later, Edy and his girlfriend left to probably snog in a room, Ana and Claudiu left for the shop to buy god knows what since we bought the entire shop yesterday.

It has been half an hour and I sit alone in the kitchen eating a croissant that was on the counter and a drink that is called tropical juice, but I don't really understand the meaning since the package shows apples and carrots, and the last time I checked they weren't tropical. I was to lost thinking about my juice that I didn't hear the door squeak open and footsteps making their way to me.

"Hey. Why are you staring at that juice?" Asked Claudiu with a chuckle.
"You scared me." I said putting a hand on my chest.
"Sorry. We are going in the jacuzzi, want to come?"
"Of course." I responded giggling.

I left Claudiu in the kitchen and went upstairs. I kneeled down next to my suitcase and searched for my black bikini. I didn't bother to go to the bathroom to change since Claudiu was still downstairs. After I put on the bottom part I raised my hoodie over my head removing my bra and trying to knit the top. The door squeaked open.

"Sorry! Didn't know you were here." Said Claudiu covering his eyes with his hand.
"It's ok. Can you help me here, I'm struggling." I said laughing breathlessly.
"Sure." He let his hand fall and made his way to me. I turned around and lifted my hair. I felt his cold hands on my skin, butterflies formed in my stomach and I stopped breathing for some seconds.
He took his goddamn time tying that bra, not that I'm complaining.
"Done." He said and I felt coldness where his hands were touching my skin.
"Thanks." I basically whispered my answer.

I left Claudiu change and went downstairs. Ana was sitting on the couch crossed legged in a white bikini.
"Damn girl. Nice BBL." Said Ana glancing at my ass as I sat down next to her. I started laughing and she joined me.

"Tomorrow we're filming a music video and you're coming with us." Said Ana taking a bite out of her cookie.
"What song?" I asked stealing her cookie.
"Give it back!" She exclaimed and I shook my head. "Then I won't tell you." She continued pouting like a child. I sighed defeated and gave her the cookie.
"Nicotine or My mistakes were made for you, can't really remember." She said tapping her chin.

"I was curious, where did Edy find her?" I said after a while.
"Honestly, no fucking clue, he just showed up with her today. Probably in a bar or summat like that." She explained gesturing with her hands.
I could tell she doesn't like her either. I might not know Cyntia very well but just by the look she gave me she seems pretty annoying, whatever if Edy is happy let him be, he will open his eyes eventually.

Edy has always been the funny and charming guy, however his luck in love was not as bright as his jokes. All the girls were up his ass in high school but he didn't want to hurt them so he just stayed away from them. Didn't really understand his way of thinking but he know best, I guess.

"Ana!" Yelled Maria from the kitchen.
"What?" She yelled back.
"Where the fuck did you put the champagne?" She asked in a normal tone now standing behind the couch.
"In the fridge." Ana turned around to look at Maria while speaking.
"Well, it's not there."
"Are you blind? I was with Claudiu ask him for approval." Said Ana right after Claudiu made his appearance from upstairs only in his trunks. He looked fit not gonna lie, better than I remember. His toned chest with a golden chain resting around his neck. I had to stop myself from staring like a creep.

"I don't know anything." Said Claudiu raising his hands above his head.
"You saw me put the champagne in the fridge, what do you mean you saw nothing?" Said Ana turning to face him.
"About that, yes." He said throwing himself on the couch, a sighs escaping his lips.
"Then where the fuck is the champagne? It was fucking expensive we can't just lose it." Said Maria pacing around the room.

The stairs squeaked and Cyntia appeared with a transparent bottle in hand. We all looked at her and then changed a glance with eachother. Maria narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to say something.

"What happened guys?" Asked the girl with the champagne. Maria's champagne.
"Is that champagne?" Asked Maria and she nodded. "Why the fuck did you drink it? I told you clearly not you are you deaf or something?" Snapped Maria pointing at the bottle, her gaze never leaving hers.
"Ops, my bad." Cyntia simply said and in that moment I was sure about her personality. Maria got closer to her but was pulled back by Ana before she could smack her makeup off of her pretty face.
"Wow slow down." She continued. "It was not good anyways." She shrugged and just left to the kitchen.

"Who the fuck invited her?" Yelled Maria throwing her hands in the air.
"We have other drinks too, let's just get in the jacuzzi, forget her she will leave anyway." Said Claudiu getting up from the couch. "Let's go." He said and offered me his hand that I gladly accepted.

She looks like funOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz