Chapter 38

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Christmas soon came by and I was helping Ana put everything on the big table in her house. She had a big mansion in Hollywood Hills, big enough to get lost in it.

"You know we are all actually neighbours?" She said and I shot her and amused look.
"Was it planned or something?" I asked and she laughed.
"Well, pretty much yes, but we really liked this zone and it's close to a lot of good studios." She said and I nodded.
"And where do they live, maybe I can give them a visit from time to time."
"Claudiu lives a street down from here and Maria and Edy a few houses down this street. And you know who else lives a few streets down?" She said and smiled raising an eyebrow.
"Surprise me."
"Alex Turner!" She said and widened her eyes.
"Still fangirling over him?" I said and laughed right after the doorbell ringed.
"No we're fucking neighbours that would be weird, and that's enough to fulfill my fantasies." She said and we laughed as she opened the door but suddenly stopped.

"Hey, I thought you were away for the holidays?" She said and I frowned still not understanding the mood change.
"I just wanted to drop your's and the band's gifts and congratulate you on the album, it's amazing." But soon a smirk appeared on my face as I recognized that British accent that was always singing from her vinyl player.
"Thank you, but you didn't have to." She said and I decided to make an appearance but thankfully the famous man at the front door didn't realise someone else was in the room, too busy talking to my friend.
"No really, no problem, some are from Miles since he couldn't come, and it's like a thank you for keeping and eye on my house too." He said and put an arm over her shoulders giving her a side hug.
"Honestly, it's my pleasure to keep an eye on your house." She said and laughed nervously.
"I bet it is. Why are you still here and not opening your gift love, I want to see your reaction." He said and she smiled and nodded.

"Aren't you going to present me to your friend?" I said very amused by her weakness.
"Right. Um, Maya this is...Alex. Alex this is Maya." She said and he smiled politely shaking my hand.
"Nice to meet you." I said and nodded smiling at him.

"Alright why don't we move this to the couch." Ana said and sat on the couch.
"There you go." Said Alex handing her his gift. She started unwrapping it. It was a pretty big rectangular box and looked like it weighed some pounds. She opened it and her jaw dropped, eyes widened while she ran a hand over her present.
"Bloody hell this is gorgeous." She looked like she just saw a ghost. "How did you know?" She said and looked at Alex who just smiled at her.
"Well you kept stealing mine and now you don't have to anymore." He responded and took the guitar from her. She whined and got up from the ground. "Don't cry I'm just plugging it in." He responded and walked to the big speaker in the corner of the room.

"Thank you, really." She said and hugged him tightly burying her face into his neck.
"My pleasure, darling. Now go and try it." He said and gave her a kiss on the temple. I just smiled watching the two interact with each other. She sat down and took the guitar on her lap and started playing an unknown riff.
"Weren't you playing bass?" I asked confused and she stopped playing.
"Just keep it Maya, it's a fucking Epiphone!" She said and I laughed at her excitement. She started playing again and Alex looked very intrigued.
"Play that again, love." He commended after she finished and she obeyed. "I like that, where is it from?" He asked and she shrugged.
"Just came up with it."
"Can I take that and make something with it?" He asked and I saw that she was taken aback by his question.
"Of course." She nodded quickly.

"Well I'd better get going, it was nice meeting you Maya." He said and got up from the couch. I got up too and gave him a quick hug. "Sorry I didn't get anything for you." He said and I shook my head.
"Don't worry, you didn't need to anyway." I responded and he brushed his hand over my shoulder.
"I guess I'll have to make up on tour." He said and we laughed softly.
"I will lead you to the door." Said Ana and left the area.

She came back into the room with Maria and Edy following close, both some boxes in hand.
"So what you're telling me is that we got presents from Alex fucking Turner?" Said Maria with excitement clear on her face.
"I'm surprised he even thought about us, he's head over heals for you." Edy added and watched as Ana punched his bicep.
"He's not stop with that bullshit!" She said and picked up some cups from the table. "Even though I wish." She said quietly but loud enough for us to hear as she entered the kitchen.

They set the gifts down and threw themselves on the couches.
"Do you know anything?" I asked and they shook their heads.
"Absolutely nothing, but I guess we'll find out soon." Said Maria and brushed her hair back with her fingers right after Ana came in with some wine.
"You have some explaining to do young lady." I said pointing at her.
"You're younger than me, hun." She responded and opened the bottle.
"Don't avoid the subject. What's going on?"
"Nothing you need to worry about, ok? We're just friends! Jeez you're like my mom."
"Friends don't eye fuck each other across the room. And when did you even meet?" Edy intervened and crossed his arms. "And friends don't buy each other 500 dollars gifts." He continued and she rolled her eyes. 
"We met at some event a few months ago, and you didn't want to go so they made me attend, and we talked a bit nothing much, and after the event I saw him around doing something at his motorcycle and went to say hello and he invited me for tea. After that we started hanging out, that's all!" She said and took an angry sip out of her wine.
"So you're fuckbuddies?" Maria asked and she didn't respond. "You're fucking Alex? How long has this been going on for?" Said Maria shocked.
"That's none of your business, you already know too much."
"That's why you've been so happy this past months, now it makes sense." Said Edy and she scoffed.

"Sorry guys for being late but I got into a conversation with Alex, by the way what is Alex doing here?" Yelled Claudiu from the entrance. "What in the interrogation is going on here?" He asked as he walked into the living room.
"Ana has been Alex's booty-call for three months." I responded.
"I'm not his booty-call, gosh!" Said Ana frustrated.
"Wait, you lot didn't know?" Asked Claudiu confused.

After our little interrogation session, soon the rest of the guests arrived, the guys that I met at the club and another girl. She  was very beautiful, probably a model too, she had blonde long hair and some blue big eyes and she presented herself as Taylor.

After some more wine we found ourselves at the dinner table, laughing and eating the surprisingly delicious turkey. Tom made an appearance too in my delight and has been only commenting. "The wine is too cheap." "Is too cold in here." "Your dog is annoying can't you lock him somewhere.". I'm surprised by Ana's patience cause I would've snapped at him a long time ago.

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