Chapter 27

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I entered the kitchen and grabbed a beer and went back. The song was almost finished so my plan worked. I sat back down next to Claudiu.

"This is Calm like you." Said Claudiu facing me. The music started playing. The chorus caught my attention though.

Oh, he was young in the frost
No regard for the cost of saying his feelings
In the moment they were felt
And if he was calm like you
Locked up inside of the loops that he'd know full well
That all he had to say was
All he had to say was goodbye

People would call me a brat but this song was definitely about me. This song was just the description of our break up and it made me tear up.

The next song, Dark switch ended. It was very cool, very rock. I loved it.

Next was West Hollywood. It was very nostalgic and the lyrics were very meaningful. If it wasn't the powerful instrumental that took the attention away from the lyrics I would've started crying. It's that type of song that has a different meaning to anybody.

The album ended with My mistakes were made for you, the perfect album closer.

"And, what do you think?" Asked Maria picking up the vinyl.
"It was great, wow. I love it." I said stuttering. I can't express how good the album is.
"What was you favourite?" Asked Ana getting up from her seat. I took some minutes to think before answering.
"Hard to chose one. I really enjoyed Calm like you, Temptation greets you like you naughty friend. Oh, and the one with Miles in it. It's very hard to chose only one." I said getting up as well.

I entered the kitchen and went to the fridge to get myself a drink. The others went to sleep but I wasn't tired. Pouring myself some orange juice the door squeaked open. I turned and saw Claudiu.

"Can't sleep?" He asked lighting himself a cigarette. I shook my head and he got closer to me. My heart starting beating faster.
"I love the album, especially Calm like you." I said as he stepped closer and closer until I could feel his hot breath on my skin.
"I'm glad you understood the lyrics." He said and I nodded.

We stared at each other for what felt like years. His gaze fell to my lips and then he finally did it. He kissed me. He kissed me with the same passion that he used to years ago. Those plump lips that I've been craving for an entire month. But I couldn't do it again. I pulled back and widened my eyes.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" He asked concerned frowning.
"No no you-didn't no." I stuttered shaking my head.
"Then what happened?" He asked putting his hand on my shoulder.
"It just, I-I'm sorry I can't."
"You can't what?"
"I can't risk falling in love with you again. I can't risk getting hurt by you again. It hurt too much. You are releasing an album, going on tour for what, 2 years? I can't. I'm sorry." I said quietly.
"Maya, I know I've been a prick to you before but I promise I won't let myself hurt you again, I changed. I realised what I did and I can't tell you how sorry I am. It hurts me seeing you like this. Let me jus-"
"No Clau, you said that before. Can we pretend nothing happened?" I asked louder.
"Pretend nothing happened? You can't tell me this was nothing. You can't tell me you felt nothing, cause I know I did! I can't keep ignoring this feelings."
"I just need time ok? I don't know what I want!" I said falling to the ground burring my head in my hands. He sat down besides me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm just confused." I started sobbing and he stroked my head planting kisses on top of it from time to time.
"Don't be scared. I promise I won't hurt you again, and if I do I won't approach you again if that's what you wish." He said slowly.

"I love you." He whispered just for me to hear. "I haven't stopped loving you once."
"I'm just afraid."
"Afraid of what, love?"
"I'm afraid of falling in love again. Scared of my own feelings."
"You can't be afraid of falling in love. You just have to take the plunge..." he spoke softly stroking my back.
"Falling in love is not actually what I'm afraid of, but the people. People constantly change. And honestly I'd be lying to both you and I if I said I stopped loving you."

He slowly placed me on his lap, his hands finding my waist as my hands interlocked around his neck.
"You know there's nothing i wouldnt do to make you feel my love?"
"I know now."

And i kissed him. I kissed his hot lips with slow movements but soon i pressed my lips harder on his, teeth colliding and a moan escaped my mouth as his tongue slipped into my mouth. I could taste the cigarette he had earlier. My mouth soon parting from his sending goosebumps through my body. I pressed my forehead against his, his breathing faning my face. A childish smile creeped into my face that he soon returned.

"I want to be yours." I said, our noses touching slightly.
"You are mine. You were always mine." He responded and kissed me again, hungry but gentle.

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