Chapter 31

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Ana's POV

"She must be kidding." Said Maria grabbing her jacket.
"I wish she was." Edy added.
"And where are we going exactly, if she doesn't know where she is?" Asked Maria putting her hair behind her ears nervously.
"We can call Claudiu. He took her there after all." Said Edy swinging the car keys on his finger.
"I got it." I said dialling his number.

1beep, 2 beeps, 3 be-

"Hello?" He answered and he sounded high.
"Are you high?"
"Maybe." He said giggling. I sighed putting the call on speaker.
"Anyway, where did you take Maya?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose.
"Claudiu stop playing the stupid! You fucking took her in the middle of nowhere and then left her there, so tell me where the fuck did you take her if you want her alive!" I yelled at him through the phone.
"She already gone, so what's the point!" He said and sniffed at the end. He was fucking crying.
"Jesus...No, Claudiu she's not gone. If you tell me where you took her I would change her mind, trust me." I said trying to sound convincing. Even though he won't remember anything tomorrow.
"To the hill, you know, the hill. Promise you will take her home safe?" He said through small cries. I looked at Maria and then Edy. They shrugged.
"Of course we will. Are you at home?" Said Maria taking the phone away from me.
"Yeah, I will see you tomorrow." He said and hung up.

"You heard him, let's go!" Said Edy starting the engine.

Maya's POV

It must've passed 20 minutes after the call when I heard a car pull by. I looked at my right, where Claudiu's car was parked, and saw a black Jeep. The doors opened and 3 people left the car, doors still open running to me. My vision was still blurry from tears and I looked again at the letter that was in my hand and placed in my pocket.

"Omg girl, are you ok?" Asked Maria sitting next to me on her knees hugging me. "Let's get you home." She continued.

I got up from the ground walking to the big car. Maria was hugging me from the side.
I got into the back seat of the car sitting besides her.

"Are you ok? Like, for real?" Asked Ana turning to look at me from the front seat.
"I've been better." I responded trying to crack a smile but failing frantically. She turned muttering something like "what a prick" or "what a bitch". About him probably. Edy started the car and drove silently without speaking a word. And the next thing I remember is being tucked in a bed and drifting into sleep.

Claudiu's POV

I lost her. I let her go again when I fucking promised that I won't repeat that mistake. Maybe it was too fast. Maybe I am just no enough and she would be better without me.

"Clau, wake up." A soft voice said. I cracked and eye open and saw her silouette standing at the end of the bed.
"It's time to wake up." She talked again and then faded slowly until she was gone.

I woke up sweating wiping my forehead with my palm breathing heavily. I stopped my alarm clock and with a sigh got up from the comfort of my bed to get ready for another shity day full of annoying questions from people I don't know.

After I got dressed in my classic jean white shirt combo I slid on my leather jacket with boots and headed off to my car. I connected my phone to the car speakers to play some music but it started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked through the phone.
"Morning, can we meet at the studio first we have a small meeting." It was Tom, our manager.
"Yeah sure, I'm on my way." I responded and ended the call.

I entered the building greeting the lady at the front desk and making my way to the meeting room. I opened the door and greeted everyone there too and sat next to one of our tour directors and Edy.

"Now that we all are here and you're probably wondering why let me tell you. First we need a theme for the writing on the album title," Tom started. "and secondly Claudiu you can't see Maya anymore." My breath hitched at the mention of her name. I looked at him and then at my band mates who were looking at the table or at their phones.
"Sorry what?" I asked.
"You heard me. It's bad for you reputation. You need to be that hot and single male singer from the band, and she is not helping, so you can't see her anymore." He explained handing me a paper. I looked down at it and saw different patterns for writing.
"Not even as friends?"
"You can't tell me you are only friends and everybody noticed. And when any interviewer will ask you about her or you relationship status, you are single and happy, understood." He said more like a demand than a question. I shook my head.
"Aren't you gonna say anything? She was your friend too." I asked the others who were still not looking up.
"Oh, they can see her. Now enough of that shit, what pattern do you like guys?" He responded for them and started discussing about patterns.

"Are you seriously gonna let that happen?" I asked the guys as we walked out of the meeting room.
"We tried, okay? We couldn't do anything." Said Maria taking a sip from her coffee.
"What do you mean you couldn't do anything? She's your friend too you can't let him control us like some puppets." I said frustrated.
"About that, I don't think she is your friend anymore. And if I'm being honest she is better without you." Said my dear friend Ana.

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