S5.20) saving Mason

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Lydia was still trying to get free so she could save Mason from the Beast with no such luck when she heard a sword, and she backed up.

The door then fell down as Kira revealed herself. "Sorry I'm late" Kira said. "Also look who I found" Kira said and then Lyla came to view.

"You came" Lydia said smiling. "You called" Lyla said back. "Now come on I'd like to kill the guy who put my sister in here" Lyla said grabbing Lydia's hand.


Lyla, Lydia, and Kira arrived just in time to see Sebastian coming to them. "Mason" Lydia said. "I think you're going need to try a little louder" Kira said as Sebastian started to turn into the beast.

"I'll help" Lyla said and held onto Lydia's hand. "Mason" they yelled using their banshee abilities.

Mason came out and was about to fall when Corey came out catching him. "Where did he come from also why, didn't he help" Lyla asked.

"Jerk should have helped us" Lyla said. Kira smiled at Lyla. "It's good to see you again" Kira said. Parrish caught the beast before it got away using his hellhound abilities. "Scott" Parrish said.

Scott grabbed the weapon that could kill it and threw it at him killing the beast.

"Is everyone okay" Scott asked. "Not everyone" Theo said and everyone looked to see electricity flowing around him.

"Wait he's the evil chimera I dated that guy" Lyla said. "You dated him" Liam asked. "Yeah, back before I met Derek, dad and I went on vacation, and I met Theo then we dated for a little while" Lyla said.

Theo tried to attack them, but Kira stepped in front of everyone stopping him with her sword.

"The skin walkers have a message for you Theo your sister wants to see you" Kira said. Kira stabbed her sword in the ground as Theo's sister came out seeing Theo surprising him.

She grabbed him by the ankle pulling him down pulling him under.

"Scott help me no, no Scott help me Scott no Scott help me" Theo said before he was fully dragged under as the ground closed behind him. Lyla walked up to Scott and Stiles and slapped them both.

"Ow" Scott said. "What's your problem" Stiles asked. "I'm gone and my sister is in a nut house and nearly falling to her death" Lyla said. "It's a long story" Scott said.

"Yeah, well long story or not you should have called me sooner your lucky Lydia did when she did" Lyla said.

"We didn't want to worry you or interrupt your time with Derek" Scott said. Lyla rolled at her eyes at them before her phone dang making her look.

"It's Derek he's wondering when I'll be home" Lyla explained. "Big night" Lydia asked Lyla.

"Our anniversary is coming up but I'm not leaving without having some time with my sister" Lyla said and Lydia smiled.

"Come on let's get lunch before I need to get going" Lyla said to Lydia. "Can we join" Stiles asked. "No" Lyla said. "Why not" Stiles asked. "You didn't call, Lydia was in Eichen house, she nearly fell to death" Lyla said. "Do I need to continue" Lyla asked.

"No" both Scott and Stiles said. "Liam however is free to join if he likes" Lyla said before leaving with Lydia.

"Well, I'm not going to turn down free lunch" Liam said and followed after them.


After Lyla and Lydia had lunch and some time to catch up on everything it was time for her to get back to Derek.

Lyla was hugging Lydia before she left to get back to Derek. They eventually broke from the hug.

"Don't be a stranger" Lydia told Lyla. "Me, never you be careful and take care" Lyla said. "Thanks for coming" Lydia said. "Always" Lyla said.

"Now go before you're late for your anniversary" Lydia said. "I'll have sex with him he'll be alright" Lyla said and got in the car waving bye to Lydia and left.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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